Wrestling Thread Nov 24- Dec 7 | 12/1 Will Vince Address Punk Live on Austin's Podcast After Raw?

GHIMS reported it a few days ago. Not sure if he's doing it for every ppv but he will for next week. Maybe it's a test. If they like it they'll let him continue using it.
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Regarding Ryback's response to Punk, pretty much everything he said was bull as there has been heat on him for his in-ring work for about a month now.

His stock has dropped. He was supposed to lead Team Cena to victory. His matches the past month or so have been labeled stinkers, most notably the one vs Cesaro on the Raw before SSeries.

There was talk of having him feud with HHH in 2015 but that won't happen anymore.
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Since the rumble is in philly it's safe to say we're gonna get the dudleys and RVD as surprise entrants. Kinda wish they would get in contact with sabu for just that 1 night.
Regarding Ryback's response to Punk, pretty much everything he said was bull as there has been heat on him for his in-ring work for about a month now.

His stock has dropped. He was supposed to lead Team Cena to victory. His matches the past month or so have been labeled stinkers, most notably the one vs Cesaro on the Raw before SSeries.

There was talk of having him feud with HHH in 2015 but that won't happen anymore.

The thing I got for that was Punk was speaking in past tense about their fued in what, 2012? And Ryback was talking about the present :lol:
Since the rumble is in philly it's safe to say we're gonna get the dudleys and RVD as surprise entrants. Kinda wish they would get in contact with sabu for just that 1 night.

did they change it back to 30? does anyone know
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