Wrestling Thread Nov 24- Dec 7 | 12/1 Will Vince Address Punk Live on Austin's Podcast After Raw?

Working from home today and catching up on stuff on the network...Currently watching last night's NXT. I'm a fan of the Vaudevillains. Does anyone think their gimmick can translate to the main roster?

Honestly, I don't see them lasting as a tag team on the main roster.

Simon Gotch does the early 1900s gimmick better as a singles guy. Out of the 2 I see him lasting much longer.
Y'All ready for an action-packed Friday Night Smackdown!!!

goin' to the store to get some treats to make it Friday Night Snackdown!!!
NXT thoughts-

- The Corbin/Bull squashes are dumb.
- Kevin Owens promo was dope. I think I have a more optimistic view on his future than some here...
- Finn Balor's music is so tough, man...if they are actually going to let him use the body paint, I think he should only do it for PPVs.
- Never been a big Nattie fan, but I can't even front like she hasn't looked good recently. They are definitely trying to give her some sex appeal and it's working.
- Tyson Kidd's gimmick has been great, IMO. If they don't think that Cesaro has what it takes on the mic to be a singles star, I really hope they push them together as a tag team.
- Neville/Zayn should be so :smokin next week.
Just listened to the Ryback response to Punk...dude was basically making Punk seem like a whinging brat lol
GHIMS reported it a few days ago. Not sure if he's doing it for every ppv but he will for next week. Maybe it's a test. If they like it they'll let him continue using it.

Keeping it for only PPVs is probably the route to go. I know y'all wanted the Shield to only use those masks for PPVs too.
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Letting these indie stars use anything related to their past lives is a no go. WWE views it as giving them more credibility 
Gonna try to get that nxt r:evolution survey up by Monday before raw so cat man could post it on the front page of the new thread.
Gotta get caught up on the latest NXT..

Anyone sent out their NTWT SS gifts yet?
Keeping it for only PPVs is probably the route to go. I know y'all wanted the Shield to only use those masks for PPVs too.

It's gonna fly on NXT but I don't think on the main roster. Some people were already against it.

Letting these indie stars use anything related to their past lives is a no go. WWE views it as giving them more credibility :smh:
It's stupidity man. Let these dudes cook and be who they are. They made it to the show for that reason, why neuter them and then complain about their newfound inability to draw? Stupid company gonna act stupid.

Gotta get caught up on the latest NXT..

Anyone sent out their NTWT SS gifts yet?
Sent my stuff out today. Bought some Wilt Chamberlain stamps in the process. Building a stamp collection b.
Is Owens going to have an actual match or is he just making an appearance at Evolution?
Any way to turn off the PG filter so you can see blood on the Network?

Did you ask the WWE Network that question on facebook?..I just saw someone earlier asking them that..You have to go into My Account and then into Parental Controls and switch it off..
Is Owens going to have an actual match or is he just making an appearance at Evolution?

Not confirmed but it looks like a match. My guess is against tyson, breeze, mojo or parker. The later of the 2 will def be squash matches if so.
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