Wrestling Thread Nov 24- Dec 7 | 12/1 Will Vince Address Punk Live on Austin's Podcast After Raw?

Punk stans assemble!

I'm assembling. In to see him get mollywhopped :lol: I love him but he's not as nearly as athletic as he needs to be to compete at that level

Only reason Brock was able to transition so well was because he's one of the greatest physical specimens who's ever lived
I'm assembling. In to see him get mollywhopped
I love him but he's not as nearly as athletic as he needs to be to compete at that level

Only reason Brock was able to transition so well was because he's one of the greatest physical specimens who's ever lived
I'm sure hes gonna get his *** beat, but I do think dude has been training for a reason so hopefully it pays off.
Punk stans assemble!

I'm assembling. In to see him get mollywhopped :lol: I love him but he's not as nearly as athletic as he needs to be to compete at that level

Only reason Brock was able to transition so well was because he's one of the greatest physical specimens who's ever lived

Don't forget Brock was a VERY accomplished NCAA wrestler... Brock is a beast, of course.... But his wrestling skills is what got him in so quick....

Punk is not an accomplished wrestler... I'm not an MMA expert by any means, but I think he'll get his *** kicked... But props to him for doing this..
To my elf, you should be receiving packages on the 8th, the 9th, and the 10th.
Hope you enjoy the gifts :smile:
Punk will be back...just like Lesnar. He's not built for MMA. I know he's been practicing Jujitsu but the Guy is 30+ and is going to have a tough time having to pick up boxing, wrestling, etc.

He'll be good promo though right before the good night Irene.
Punk will be back...just like Lesnar. He's not built for MMA. I know he's been practicing Jujitsu but the Guy is 30+ and is going to have a tough time having to pick up boxing, wrestling, etc.

He'll be good promo though right before the good night Irene.

36 making his UFC debut.. :smh:
Only way Punk wins a UFC fight is if his opponent is 14-27..There is no way in hell this dude can hang with a top 20 fighter in any weight class..I'll give him insane props for even trying to fight in the cage..
punk will fight, he has always been interested. i just think it will how bad will his first fight be even with gracie training.......he will probably though be thrown a up and comer to get a win. then eventually Dana will throw him to the wolves
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