Wrestling Thread Nov 24- Dec 7 | 12/1 Will Vince Address Punk Live on Austin's Podcast After Raw?

hes not a vegan anymore he just liked to try different diets he said in his Documentary. On Colt's podcast he talks about ordering a hot dog at a hockey game unless that was AJ that had it
hes not a vegan anymore he just liked to try different diets he said in his Documentary. On Colt's podcast he talks about ordering a hot dog at a hockey game unless that was AJ that had it
Hot dog was AJ's. He had a beef sandwich.
Guarantee, besides AJ and possibly Heyman, the WWE roster will be told to go NOWHERE near UFC and Punk's first fight..............Callaway will be there though
Via ESPN.com..

"He wanted to fight here," White told ESPN.com. "He wanted to give it a shot, so we gave him an opportunity. It's not like Brock Lesnar. We're not going to throw the kitchen sink at him. Lesnar had a wrestling background. (CM Punk) going to fight a guy who is 1-0, 1-1, 2-1 -- something like that."
That Dana quote up there makes a ton of sense.

This is going to be a spectacle, not a sporting event.

There isn't anyone currently signed to the UFC roster that Phil could beat in an MMA fight.
Via ESPN.com..

"He wanted to fight here," White told ESPN.com. "He wanted to give it a shot, so we gave him an opportunity. It's not like Brock Lesnar. We're not going to throw the kitchen sink at him. Lesnar had a wrestling background. (CM Punk) going to fight a guy who is 1-0, 1-1, 2-1 -- something like that."

Batista is 1-0
I never wanna count anyone out or sway them away from their dreams or goals. I think this is a terrible move but I understand this is something he wants to do. If he faces a real opponent, he's gonna get his *** kicked. His arms are too short to box with God.
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Phil probably couldn't beat up half of us in a fight lol

This makes for question of the night cause I can't take all this crappy ufc talk.

In a 1 on 1 fair fight, which current wwe wrestler can you wash?
When I get angry I become a sick **** that doesn't care about anything. I'd step to Brock Lesnar and gladly get my *** beat if I'm mad enough. Thank God I started meditating and learned to control my temper. At 5'7" 143 I'm too small to be getting into ****.
I feel like I could take out Miz, the Ascension, Cameron, Rusev, and the Spanish Announce Team..
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