Wrestling Thread Nov 24- Dec 7 | 12/1 Will Vince Address Punk Live on Austin's Podcast After Raw?

This will be like Jordan going to play baseball. Only unfortunate part is there is social media around and everyone wants to see Phil get his head kicked in for some reason. But I'm all for someone going after one of their dreams and he clearly has connections to give it a fair try. So more power to the Chick Magnet. Whatever UFC PPV he makes his debut at is going to do some NUMBERS.
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How many of you are going to watch R:evolution live this Thursday? No point in making a survey if only a handful of us are watching live.
You know I'll be watching. Also never gave my two cents about the last episode due to the Punk news. It was refreshing to see Banks get the best of Charlotte cause she's been booked crazy strong since winning the title. That Vaudevillians promo had me :lol: :rofl: I hope they win Thursday. The double squash matches were whatever. The Kevin Owens vignette was a nice reference to the past of some top guys and his history with them. Itami and Balor(wife thinks he's cute, I can't even hate) vs Kidd and Breeze was :smokin although they should really stop using the double foot stomp. Breeze caught one that was :x and it was good to see the angry side of Zayn, even with Neville saying he didn't like using dirty tactics to keep the strap. A really good episode as per usual. :nthat:
Dam ufc fighters really hating punk. They gonna kill the guy in the octagon. It's gonna be an episode of 1000 ways to die showing Vince talking about "its barbaric somebody's going to die one day" :lol:

Hold up, punk really got signed to the ufc? I saw that headline on the bottom of a mma website and thought it was a joke. Weigh-in days are going to be funny when people wonder why he's still skinny fat. Brock should sign with the company again and have a rematch of summerslam in an open weight fight. Would be murder in the octagon.

I guess he had two options when he left wwe. Professional fighting or sign with a film company to work with Stoya. Glad he chose the former, Stoya is my bae.

Would like to see him trash talk and own mcgregor.
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:lol: :lol: @ Bones Jones.

Are Chris Leben and CM Punk this sane weight? If so, they should fight each other, I've always hated Leben think it would be a marketable fight :lol:
"@alexdgreenfield: Love CM Punk and hope he's an awesome MMA fighter - I'll watch and cheer - but jumping into UFC seems like a midlife crisis red convertible."
If they gave bones the main event of mania, I'd die laughing. That'd be LT vs Bam Bam all over again
It's funny to me. He complained about getting his *** beat and working injured in the WWE n he's going some place where people will literally try to take 20 years off his life. Good luck Punk.

It was during last nights ppv..I can't find a video of it anywhere..Sorry..

What do you want to be done. Perfect world?

Perfect world would be Sting/Taker at Mania..We all know that ain't happening..So I guess the next best thing would be Sting/Shovel at Mania..Maybe have Trips be in the Rumble (for what reason I have no idea), let Sting be a surprise entrant, eliminate HHH then hop over the top rope and eliminate himself..I'm sure the promos/story line can write itself til Mania..Have their match be co-main event (take that Phil) and have Sting go over in a match that's about 20 minutes including entrances..Sting retires from in ring competition the next night on Raw..Have the Horsemen's music hit and out comes Flair, Anderson, Windham, and Blanchard..Have other WCW guys come out and give Sting the farewell that he deserves..Vince comes out last and tells everyone that Sting is the 1st HOF inductee for 2016..Keep him on tv as a GM type role..And there ya go..That's pretty much how I'd want it to go..

Normally I'd say Sting needs to do the job since he's retiring, but since Mania will be his only match and it's against a part time wrestler I don't really have a problem with it..If it was Taker and the Streak was still going then I'd say that Steve needs to do the job..But since that's not the case I think he deserves to have his one and only match in WWE be a victory..
i dont like that they keep referring to him as CM Punk...call him Phil Brooks.

I believe he owns the rights to the CM Punk name so if anything, they should call him that.

He may have "made" it in WWE but he wasn't created there
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