Wrestling Thread Nov 24- Dec 7 | 12/1 Will Vince Address Punk Live on Austin's Podcast After Raw?

Nxt has a 5 man stable of all amature wrestlers dressed in said gear (think angle, haas and benjamin + 2) working house shows.
He's right man. WWE has been embarrassing of late. The bunny nonsense. How lame Survivor Series was. There's the potential to put on great shows each night, but they goof it up and run out there a ton of corny nonsense that turns fans off. It really is catered to kids man.

They have to sell toys.
Benoit does Dynamite better than Kobe does Mj. And that says alot. Mannerisms and all. Davey Richards too

I'd say that Benoit is the absolute best wrestler doing an imitation of another wrestler..From the build to the tights to the mannerisms..It's pure Dynamite..Even better than Hogan & Ventura doing a Superstar imitation or Flair doing his best Nature Boy..

Or nt will have you believe that. I remember posting about how I thought Duncan and shaq were the top 2 superstars of the early 2000s and some kobe buttboy stan got mad. That boy needed to chill.

Timmy's the best player of the past 15 yrs..End of discussion..Kobe stans can go play in traffic while wearing blindfolds..

Who's the best UK wrestler of all time?

Toss up between Billy Robinson or Thomas Billington
Going back to the comparison I made with a corporate setting his approach is not something I personally would have used if I were in his shoes but that's precisely the point: I wasn't in his shoes, so I don't know just how frustrated or fed up he was at that time. Could he have handled it better than just walking away? Most probably, yes. But that's not how he's wired. Punk's always going to do things his way, and he knows his choices aren't going to sit well with everybody. All I'm saying is it's not my place to decide what was "right" and what was "wrong" about how he left because I wasn't there.

There's a clear distinction between owing someone and being appreciative of someone. I could be in the minority here, but I just don't think he owes his fans anything in the sense that we deserve something from him or "deserve better" from him simply because we supported him for all of those years... hence my point about entitlement. I'm not saying he shouldn't be grateful for all of the support his fans have given him and I don't think Punk discounts that or doesn't appreciate that at all; it's just where do you draw the line between being a fan and having unrealistic expectations of whomever / whatever it is you're a fan of?
Save for some social injustice or harassment issue, the way Punk left was wrong.  His reputation would be ruined in any other corporate setting.  Regardless of how frustrated or fed up you are, you give the company at least 2 weeks to find your replacement.  Unless, like I said, you're leaving due to some social injustice or harassment issue.

It's not just the fans that he should've considered, there's the company that put him there and the wrestlers that put him over/made him look good too.  All that tells me is he's ungrateful.  If he was grateful, he would've given them time to write him off.
It's Mattell who went up to WWE and told them a few years ago that if they wanted them to make their action figures, the product would have to be catered more to kids.
It's Mattell who went up to WWE and told them a few years ago that if they wanted them to make their action figures, the product would have to be catered more to kids.
Kids will beg thier parents to buy whatever is presented to them. Don't see the point of doing gay stuff to make kids happy. Give them some man ****. They will want whatever they see
thread jumped a couple hundred posts in like a day & a half!

will have to review this 'cm punk' podcast to see if all da fuss is valid or not

will keep y'all posted
Were there any other wrestlers in history that were that identical?

Maybe Hogan/Graham, Flair/Rogers?

i always felt jesse ventura copied graham more than hogan
ventura stayed more with the hippie attire & took shots at the anoucers like graham, slick like graham
also moved hunched over in the ring like graham

hogan had the look when he came in but kind of developed his own different (face) character throughout most

even ric flair looked like graham when he first came out
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I'm waiting to hear Del Rio. We heard Punks account on AoW. We heard Ricardo Rodriguez.

And cool is cool. PG was mainly for Linda's election campaign. They had Jakks figure deal during the attitude era. They don't have to be raunchy to be a sensible, mature product.
Spoiler on New Day


Just need to add R-Truth shucking and jiving like he did on the Network.
just watched NXT since i didnt have time yesterday, natalya was looking right body wise her hair was trash, tysons shirt :smokin
If hou listen to a shoot interview, it's safe to say ppl will take shots at

HHH 75% of the time
New Jack 10% of the time
Cornette 10% of the time
"Insert other promoter/wrestler here" 5% of the time
Save for some social injustice or harassment issue, the way Punk left was wrong.  His reputation would be ruined in any other corporate setting.  Regardless of how frustrated or fed up you are, you give the company at least 2 weeks to find your replacement.  Unless, like I said, you're leaving due to some social injustice or harassment issue.

It's not just the fans that he should've considered, there's the company that put him there and the wrestlers that put him over/made him look good too.  All that tells me is he's ungrateful.  If he was grateful, he would've given them time to write him off.

While two weeks' notice is (not-so) common courtesy I don't think it's mandatory by any means; you hear of a lot of people who resign "effective immediately", which is just a politically correct way of saying they quit. Based on what Punk's said the WWE has shown little regard for his physical health and was pressuring him to return sooner than he felt physically capable, a pretty serious thing made all the more serious by the fact that his occupation revolves around his physical well-being. That to me sounds like an unsafe working environment, and it's not like there was a shortage of guys who wanted to fill his spot. But these are the areas where the differences between being a professional wrestler and working a corporate job are more pronounced.

The thing about gratitude is that it, as with most things, is a two-way street. Just like any wrestler before or after him Punk gave the WWE (and all of the other promotions he worked for) his body, and over the last little while there was a steadily-growing list of "notches in his belt", incidents where he felt he was getting the raw end of a deal: putting over part-timers, being rushed to get back in the ring, being asked to sacrifice a bigger paycheck by turning heel, having to work with someone who already had a record of being an unsafe performer in the ring, and so on. At that point, not a lot of people would have "taken the high road" and allowed themselves to be written off. Given the opinion of Punk backstage he probably would have been sent off in humiliating (certainly in his eyes) fashion, and for somebody who takes so much pride in not portraying a character in the ring I'm willing to bet Punk wouldn't have taken that lying down, either. You might call him ungrateful for that - I certainly don't - but I'd have less respect for him as a man if he had stuck around and let them do him dirty one more time, on top of all of the other incidents he's mentioned.
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the most important thing is Punk told nothing, but the truth.

especially on the CM Punk vs Triple H NOC 2011 match. Punk should've gone over, but good ole shovel had to bury him!
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