Wrestling Thread Nov 24- Dec 7 | 12/1 Will Vince Address Punk Live on Austin's Podcast After Raw?

Come on man, the point is that no one is bigger than the company.  I don't even see how Punk can complain when Ziggler probably went through worse.

You aren't being serious at all. Just say you don't like CM Punk and just call it a day. And this is coming from a Ziggler fan.

The Washington Post is yet another website picking up on “The Art of Wrestling” interview with CM Punk. The Post’s article mainly runs down Punk’s comments on WWE’s medical policy and alleged negligence of Dr. Chris Amann.

Bryan Alvarez of F4Wonline.com noted that, in regards to the massively controversial interview, “virtually everybody in WWE who has listened to this thought it was awesome.” Although Punk had his enemies backstage in WWE, and many of the wrestlers just didn’t like him – especially towards the end of his run, when he was most upset – even his detractors were happy that some of the details finally surfaced.

“While Vince [McMahon] is mad, the guy who’s furious is Triple H. ‘Triple H wants to kill Punk’ was the exact text message … Hunter and Stephanie have such an abject hatred for CM Punk.”

There is also a lot of heat on Colt Cabana from WWE management, and he is not likely to ever get a call back from the company in the future. Colt worked very briefly for WWE between 2007 and 2009.

Alvarez noted that while Steve Austin is likely to ask Vince McMahon about the interview during the live edition of his podcast next Monday, the WWE Chairman is expected to give a “corporate answer” and move on quickly. You can hear more of Bryan’s thoughts and info on the Punk/Cabana podcast at the link above.

His fellow co-workers are agreeing with his viewpoints and stance.

And the Colt Cabana heat just illuminates the pettiness of the WWE. He was never going to be allowed to get a job with them again and now he has a lot of heat. Give me a break.
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Ty Dillinger is very underrated. He and Jason Jordan could have been a great team man.
You act like these dudes watch NXT. (DC is rubbing off on me :lol:) but Ty Dilly is pretty skilled in ring and he and Jordan always give that Buddy Murphy moment where they do something that let's you know they have some talent even though they lose a lot.
Vince has been petty and conniving for years. Why does anything leaked from a former employee surprise you? Punk's gonna continue thinking he's the savior of wrestling...for pulling an Edward Snowden on the WWE. They did him dirty to a degree (and I have no problem admitting that) but everyone doesn't fully get what they want...that's how life is.
Because of the Uso documentary, I wanted t watch some Roman Reigns matches. Yea I know. But I remember this being a solid match and Roman missing his Marafuji Apron Dropkick for the first time.

But what I wanted to highlight was how focused JBL and Cole were during this match. They stayed on topic and called what they saw. They spoke about Del Rio's history, hell even mentioned Dos Caras Sr. They did a damn good job.

So during Roman's matches, this should be the formula that is used. He should get pounded on early, make the comeback. You know, typical super babyface stuff. This was a good match man.

Agreed. In a way, it made sense breaking Taker's streak since he's an old man at the end of his career and Brock is a behemoth. Continually trotting Punk out there to job to part timers, with like you said, roughly 5-10 years of optimal performance left, is borderline idiotic. It's one think if Vince was gonna cash in on those I owe you and take care of Punk, but that never appeared to be the case. Punk got everything Vince was willing to give him. It's a shame, I would've loved to have seen a legit long program between Punk and Bryan for the belt.

Come on man, the point is that no one is bigger than the company.  I don't even see how Punk can complain when Ziggler probably went through worse.
The company sucks. It's ran by selfish morons that go against the best interest of its employees and fans on a daily basis.
Ty Dillinger is very underrated. He and Jason Jordan could have been a great team man.
You act like these dudes watch NXT. (DC is rubbing off on me :lol:) but Ty Dilly is pretty skilled in ring and he and Jordan always give that Buddy Murphy moment where they do something that let's you know they have some talent even though they lose a lot.

That's exactly why I don't know they have skill, cause every match I've seen them in its a quick squash :lol: I'll def pay more attention now.

That Reigns/Del Rio match is completely erased from my memory and I'm not sure why.

I kinda dig Erick Rowan's theme. I'm just not sure what reason I should cheer him. It is call that all 3 of the Wyatt's are being pushed, but whatever said Bray may end up as Gangrel, that's the feeling I get too :lol:
You aren't being serious at all. Just say you don't like CM Punk and just call it a day. And this is coming from a Ziggler fan.
His fellow co-workers are agreeing with his viewpoints and stance.

And the Colt Cabana heat just illuminates the pettiness of the WWE. He was never going to be allowed to get a job with them again and now he has a lot of heat. Give me a break.

Shouldn't matter to him that now he's on WWE's s--- list.

Would like to see the list, though.

I'm guessing guys like Meltzer and Jeff Jarrett are on there.
Just bought my elf his gifts. Have never seen the guy post so he may be in it for just the gifts but I sincerely hope its not the case smh.
Just watched the Dvr of smackdown. The new day is really going to get corny fast. They had a real good shot at doing something good with three talented guys, but of course they are dancing and acting like fools.
Just bought my elf his gifts. Have never seen the guy post so he may be in it for just the gifts but I sincerely hope its not the case smh.

Neither does mine... But he's not a very active NT user... Been around a while and posts in here intelligently when he does... So it's whatever....

I do wish I had a regular user tho.... I was about to buy the Chyna book and December to Mismember... But relized it'd be a waste of 10 bucks and no lulz would be had..
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