Wrestling Thread Nov 24- Dec 7 | 12/1 Will Vince Address Punk Live on Austin's Podcast After Raw?

Until CelticsP said something about it I had never heard of, or watched, December to Dismember..So I fired it up about an hour ago..And after skipping through the flat out horror of each match (not to mention Tazz's ear shattering commentary) I have come to the conclusion that 1) The ECW re-boot was a worse decision than the XFL, 2) Vince and Stephanie hate Paul E. and probably make out while watching highlights of Heyman's worst WWE moments & 3) that CelticsPride should be banned from the NTWT for the period of 1 week for tricking me into watching that train wreck..
Just bought my elf his gifts. Have never seen the guy post so he may be in it for just the gifts but I sincerely hope its not the case smh.

Neither does mine... But he's not a very active NT user... Been around a while and posts in here intelligently when he does... So it's whatever....

I do wish I had a regular user tho.... I was about to buy the Chyna book and December to Mismember... But relized it'd be a waste of 10 bucks and no lulz would be had..
I remember being so excited for that ppv :lol:
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Until CelticsP said something about it I had never heard of, or watched, December to Dismember..So I fired it up about an hour ago..And after skipping through the flat out horror of each match (not to mention Tazz's ear shattering commentary) I have come to the conclusion that 1) The ECW re-boot was a worse decision than the XFL, 2) Vince and Stephanie hate Paul E. and probably make out while watching highlights of Heyman's worst WWE moments & 3) that CelticsPride should be banned from the NTWT for the period of 1 week for tricking me into watching that train wreck..

I wouldn't wish December To Dismember on anybody. Let's look at the original version vs the reboot

View media item 1281004View media item 1281005
If you took off The Hardy vs MNM, this could be a top 3 worst WWE PPV ever. They treated ECW like total ****, basically turning it into WWE Superstars, minus the good wrestling
Not sure how I just found this video but this is a nice brief history lesson on what Japanese wrestling is. It touches on how Puro started after WW2 thanks to Rikidozan. It compares USA vs. Mexico vs. The Japanese styles. Briefly touches on a few wrestlers from Japan. Even Peep Game Peep Game 's man Akebono. But yea it is cool. Give it a chance.



Until CelticsP said something about it I had never heard of, or watched, December to Dismember..So I fired it up about an hour ago..And after skipping through the flat out horror of each match (not to mention Tazz's ear shattering commentary) I have come to the conclusion that 1) The ECW re-boot was a worse decision than the XFL, 2) Vince and Stephanie hate Paul E. and probably make out while watching highlights of Heyman's worst WWE moments & 3) that CelticsPride should be banned from the NTWT for the period of 1 week for tricking me into watching that train wreck..

Yo... You actually watched this?....


What did you think it was going to be?... I put it on the same category as Chynas book...

Yo... You actually watched this?....


What did you think it was going to be?... I put it on the same category as Chynas book...


Thank God not the whole thing..I was kinda skipping through it and it was beyond bad..Like worse than TNA bad..
Not sure how I just found this video but this is a nice brief history lesson on what Japanese wrestling is. It touches on how Puro started after WW2 thanks to Rikidozan. It compares USA vs. Mexico vs. The Japanese styles. Briefly touches on a few wrestlers from Japan. Even Peep Game Peep Game 's man Akebono. But yea it is cool. Give it a chance.

bigego24 bigego24


I'll check it out soon. Just got off work. And I corrected the number. It's 24 homie. Why you gotta give me Paul Pierce's number? I hate that guy.
Not sure how I just found this video but this is a nice brief history lesson on what Japanese wrestling is. It touches on how Puro started after WW2 thanks to Rikidozan. It compares USA vs. Mexico vs. The Japanese styles. Briefly touches on a few wrestlers from Japan. Even Peep Game Peep Game 's man Akebono. But yea it is cool. Give it a chance.

bigego24 bigego24


I'll check it out soon. Just got off work. And I corrected the number. It's 24 homie. Why you gotta give me Paul Pierce's number? I hate that guy.

The Truth shall set you free...

Never knew where #2 came from. Again, people that run this YouTube page are wrestling nerds.

Some classic gifs came from these clips.

Ole boy raising his fist in the air as The Nation is coming to ring still gets me.
Ask him in Irish still has me :rofl:
I have to FaceTime the cats before my match :rofl:

This guy kidd has struck gold with this character
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I have never been huge on Adam Cole but I think Zach Sabre, Kota Ibushi, Ricochet, and Kyle O'Rielly are some of the best young prospects out there.
Another day and another issue trying to get this Cabana podcast to download. Took until early this morning to get to itunes, and it's giving me a stupid error.
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