Wrestling Thread Nov 24- Dec 7 | 12/1 Will Vince Address Punk Live on Austin's Podcast After Raw?

They look like some GOT DAMN FOOLS
Did we really expect anything else after seeing the spoiler?!? I didn't. :smh: :stoneface:
This gotta be a troll dudes gotta be turning heel soon ,has to be a swerve behind this ,just has to be
Nah man. They about that positive happy black man life. Not a bad tag team finisher. We have to see what develops before we shut them out completely...never mind with Santino and the Black Friday sale reference. We are doomed. Doomed I tell you
Sad part is these guys could work why do they have to be a dance group can't they just be some regular black dudes that like to chill and then go whoop some ***?
At least we know an eventual heel turn will come. Not sure if it will be Nation-esque, but we shall see.
Sad part is these guys could work why do they have to be a dance group can't they just be some regular black dudes that like to chill and then go whoop some ***?

Yeah ok them white folks and wwe moms would send letters in talking about "those african American superstars are too aggressive and look like a gang wearing all blue my child can't watch this it's sending him the wrong message" :smh:

You know the deal b
Sad part is these guys could work why do they have to be a dance group can't they just be some regular black dudes that like to chill and then go whoop some ***?
Dont you know that all black people dance? This is the WWE where ancient stereotypes permeate the culture. While certain things change a lot more stays the same. :smh:
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Yeah ok them white folks and wwe moms would send letters in talking about "those african American superstars are too aggressive and look like a gang wearing all blue my child can't watch this it's sending him the wrong message" :smh:

You know the deal b
Not to mention the blue rag tho...my cousins certainly couldn't rock with The New Day off color scheme alone.
Yeah ok them white folks and wwe moms would send letters in talking about "those african American superstars are too aggressive and look like a gang wearing all blue my child can't watch this it's sending him the wrong message" :smh:

You know the deal b
lmao they don't gotta be a gang just some cool dudes ,they can up on pop culture ,a little hypebeasty but nothing crazy coulda at least all been wearing the 6s
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lmao they don't gotta be a gang just some cool dudes ,they can up on pop culture ,a little hypebeasty but nothing crazy coulda at least all been wearing the 6s

Yeah we would see them like that. Some cool dude we could hang out with. But white folks don't view spanish and blacks that way in wrestling and life.
Of course, make them into some dancing fools.

But yall tell me I m
Yeah we would see them like that. Some cool dude we could hang out with. But white folks don't view spanish and blacks that way in wrestling and life.
Who are the best SPanish (from Spain) wrestlerS of all time??

Got damn, they took a break as Dolph walks to the ring.
They take a break during the first 1 min of the match
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Don't even bother with shop wwe, it was only %20 off regular merch I think the sale stuff is %80
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