Wrestling Thread Nov 24- Dec 7 | 12/1 Will Vince Address Punk Live on Austin's Podcast After Raw?

It really is. Wish I could have witnessed that era

And im still sick over him washing HHH that whole match and losing in end. They could have at least let him hold the belt for 22 hours smfh

I missed most of Booker's WWE stuff..Although I wasn't watching wrestling 90% of the time it was on, when I'd occasionally stop on WWE and Bookuh was on I always loved what I saw..Being a loyal WCW guy I was really happy that he was pretty much the biggest star that transferred companies..He's gotta be in my top 20 of Favorite Wrestlers of the 1990's..Harlem Heat was legit and if there is a Tag Team wing in the HOF I think they definitely deserve to be there..
It really is. Wish I could have witnessed that era

And im still sick over him washing HHH that whole match and losing in end. They could have at least let him hold the belt for 22 hours smfh


Just the build up alone to WM 19 made me extremely confident that HHH was gonna get his comeuppance, and Booker was gonna triumph.

"Somebody like you doesn't get to be a World Champion...that's reserved for people like me" :x :smh:
I missed most of Booker's WWE stuff..Although I wasn't watching wrestling 90% of the time it was on, when I'd occasionally stop on WWE and Bookuh was on I always loved what I saw..Being a loyal WCW guy I was really happy that he was pretty much the biggest star that transferred companies..He's gotta be in my top 20 of Favorite Wrestlers of the 1990's..Harlem Heat was legit and if there is a Tag Team wing in the HOF I think they definitely deserve to be there..

the harlem hang over :pimp: one of my favorite tag teams too.
WWE.com has videos up of "simulations" of 2K15 with Sting losing to Shawn Michaels and Sting winning against Bray Wyatt..Can someone tell me the logic in that?..
That 2k realism

I thought that was the flying goat finisher?

Just the build up alone to WM 19 made me extremely confident that HHH was gonna get his comeuppance, and Booker was gonna triumph.

"Somebody like you doesn't get to be a World Champion...that's reserved for people like me"
I get uncomfortable every time I watch that video package for the match

@casekicks  I was pretty much the same way at the time. Id stumbled upon wwe programing and he would just have that cape on
. Brought me back to those harlem heat days. I dont remember Stevie Ray that well but Booker in his WCW time...Whooo. And when he won that WHC the first time 
1. HHH is so easily unlikeable man. I try to find reasons to like the dude because of his respect for Old School wrestling and how he infuses that into NXT, but that racism and disrespect of talent backstage (from reports) makes it hard to like the dude.

2. When I was at the ROH show in Baltimore last weekend, I was sitting near the entrance. Larry Mercer was there during intermission just talking to fans. Somebody askd him about TNA's new TV deal. He acted like he hadn't heard about the news. Not sure if he did or didn't but I couldn't imagine he didn't. He was telling a fan, "We are the number 2 now. TNA is going to Destination America? Who has heard of that. Yep we are clearly number 2 now." Agree or disagree?

Larry Mercer is a hype man / ring announcer for them

Also, I am hearing that ROH isn't allowing their talent to work in PWG anymore because they feel they have a shot of being the #2 company in America.

Also, I am hearing that ROH isn't allowing their talent to work in PWG anymore because they feel they have a shot of being the #2 company in America.

Per PWInsider:

There has been no change in the ROH contract situation in regards to their talents’ ability to work independent events. Some of the wrestlers have exclusive deals and are getting paid a full-time salary. ROH has the final say on if they work any indy dates outside of ROH (similar to TNA’s contracts). Other talents have deals in which they can work independent dates. There’s no word on which talents are full-time.
All I know about Larry Mercer is that he sounds like Phil Moore from Nick Arcade.
Yo that was that show though :lol: :pimp:

I always watched the last part of that show heated because I KNEW I would've beat that **** easily compared to some of those kids :lol:

Mongo would've got washed bruh :smokin
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Yo that was that show though

I always watched the last part of that show heated because I KNEW I would've beat that **** easily compared to some of those kids

Mongo would've got washed bruh
Mogs couldnt even complete the Sonic the hedgehog challenges. I would sit at home DISGUSTED b 
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If anybody is looking for some freak stuff. Japanese Women's wrestling match at an Amusement Park. Kinda funny

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