Wrestling Thread Nov 3-23 | 11/23 Survivor Series - MAJOR Surprises Planned | Team Cena v Team Autho

I have to go back and rewatch Bryan's two matches from that night. Thankfully I could do that for the low cost of 9.99.

I could see the gripes with the interference. I didn't mind it too much but it definitely could cheapen the product if that became habit forming. Didn't WCW have a lot of run ins and interference toward the end of its run?
Anyone have any luck with getting a refund from WWE regarding the month of November?

I've been a loyal supporter of the Network since it's inception and have paid two 6-month cycles in full. Then they pull this....Unacceptable

I just want that $9.99 so I can grab a burrito from Chipotle before SS
I have to go back and rewatch Bryan's two matches from that night. Thankfully I could do that for the low cost of 9.99.

I could see the gripes with the interference. I didn't mind it too much but it definitely could cheapen the product if that became habit forming. Didn't WCW have a lot of run ins and interference toward the end of its run?
Man, WCW had a lot of stuff going on towards the end 

I have to go back and rewatch Bryan's two matches from that night. Thankfully I could do that for the low cost of 9.99.

I could see the gripes with the interference. I didn't mind it too much but it definitely could cheapen the product if that became habit forming. Didn't WCW have a lot of run ins and interference toward the end of its run?
Man, WCW had a lot of stuff going on towards the end :lol:
Lmao what's the storyline behind this tomfoolery?

One thing I love about WCW from my limited viewing the fans giving no damns and throwing stuff into the ring when it got out of hand.
kaitlyn has everything a man could want in a women, at least body wise, her personality could be doo doo, but i wouldnt care i love her
I could see why. Minoru scouted AJ well, countering that springboard forearm, the Styles Clash. He did a good job working AJ's fingers, arm and ankle, real good technical match. Might be the only G1 match thus far that I thought AJ might lose.

Thought this was a different match I hadn't seen yet, but I watched it a while back when CelticsPride or DC sent me the link..I loved this match..The in ring story was easily top 3 of the year IMO..I couldn't get over all the little things that these 2 guys did..Like you said, the working of AJ's fingers and arm was fantastic and I honestly thought he was going to lose..My only gripe, and it's tiny, was the interference which I thought was unnecessary (but I'm not hip to the New Japan storylines so it very well could've been a perfect addition to the match)..The match overall should 100% be in the talks for MOTY..

I think my MOTY is going to DBreezy vs. Trips..I absolutely love the story that match told..And it was the perfect mix of highs and lows..
have to go back and rewatch Bryan's two matches from that night. Thankfully I could do that for the low cost of 9.99.

I could see the gripes with the interference. I didn't mind it too much but it definitely could cheapen the product if that became habit forming. Didn't WCW have a lot of run ins and interference toward the end of its run?

Interference made it even better... Both guys are leaders of heel stables... And both stables gimmicks are they interfere, pretty much the same actually... I loved how chaotic the run in was, and then how it immediately transitioned to both guys laid out, such a different pace... It was the type of match showcased so many different styles of Wrestling in a short span...

I reserve the right to change my mind... But from here forth, this is my MOTY...
Ive got a naked girl in my bed with her booty on my thigh... I'm beyond baked off that wax... The rye/coke has a sip left... And I'm talking Japanese pro wrestling...

I love you NTWT...

I'll get you that password tomorrow case I promise...
The single thing that killed WCW?... creative control clauses...

Yeah that was extremely stupid..Add in the Sting clause that Hall, Nash, Hogan and God knows who else received was beyond dumb..

But to put on a ppv where you have what is probably the worst match of the whole year (Hogan vs Warrior) and follow that with a really really good DDP vs Goldberg world title match that get's cut off so the paying customer at home can't see the ending was pretty much the turning point where things went down hill..
Ive got a naked girl in my bed with her booty on my thigh... I'm beyond baked off that wax... The rye/coke has a sip left... And I'm talking Japanese pro wrestling...

I love you NTWT...

I'll get you that password tomorrow case I promise...

Good lookin' out..And post pics of above mentioned booty or it's ducktales..:nerd:
Naw case... I actually dig this chick... I don't think she'd care, but Idk... It's how I keep ***** and prospects separated..

Actually... Rule number 9... Keep ***** and prospects separated... In value, mentality, and standards....
I almost forgot about the Halloween Havoc 98 incident.

I know a lot of people point to the Scott Hall cattle prod/Goldberg thing or the Finger Poke of Doom as the thing that started WCW on it's way to ending, but it's really HH 98..To have your main event get cut off because you're too stupid to keep track of time, then turn around and show it on Nitro so people could see what happened, and then have to give refunds to pretty much the entire ppv audience was the kiss of death..It was just a slow 2 year death, lol..
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