Wrestling Thread Nov 3-23 | 11/23 Survivor Series - MAJOR Surprises Planned | Team Cena v Team Autho

F4W is confirming that there are plans for a Sting debut tonight.

They also confirm that Orton will appear tonight.

Also, there is another big surprise for tonight that "has been talked about happening for months" BUT they may hold off on if they feel that Sting and Orton is enough for tonight.

Speculate if you will on the third surprise.
ascension ? or someone else from nxt? maybe rey? bnb on the preshow? man theres never enough surprises they need to go all out tonight 
-As of earlier this week, WWE officials still had not decided on a finish for the Team Cena vs. Team Authority Survivor Series main event and were still unsure of the TLC main event.

Vince McMahon reportedly wants The Authority off TV for a while and has at least talked about bringing the Mr. McMahon character back to TV. It was noted that Vince even complained to some that WWE Network subscriber numbers would be higher if he had been on TV pushing the Network.

The behind the scenes drama between Vince and Triple H is said to be still brewing but a source said it’s more passive aggressive lately. There have been no incidents or big blowups backstage, or any other obvious dissension.

:smh: :lol: vince
-We noted before that both Vince McMahon and Triple H were very happy with Ryback’s recent return to WWE TV and the fan reaction to his return. Ryback was well-received backstage and it was noted that his attitude has improved.

Now it’s said that Triple H sees Ryback as a “personal project” and is looking to regenerate The Big Guy as a top guy on the roster.

A source noted that there has indeed been some talk of Triple H returning to the ring to face Ryback in 2015.
- While there haven’t been many details on the backstage RAW meeting that Rey Mysterio and Vince McMahon had a few weeks ago in Buffalo, word is that one of the pitches Vince made was to give him more creative control over who he works with. As noted, WWE really wants Rey back on TV but Rey is adamant that he wants to leave the company.

- Many within WWE continue to wonder what’s with the booking of Cesaro. Officials have gone back and forth on having him as a heel or babyface, which we’ve seen play out on TV. Cesaro is well-liked backstage but it was described as “one of those things” where Vince McMahon is all for the push one week and then against it the next week.

:smh: vince is killing his business. Please just let trips take over.
Guess what guys? The GF got sick so I cancelled our reservation. I'll get to watch SS live tonight! 
If the rumors are true about Randy and Sting, this would be one of the better PPVs in a while.
-We noted before that both Vince McMahon and Triple H were very happy with Ryback’s recent return to WWE TV and the fan reaction to his return. Ryback was well-received backstage and it was noted that his attitude has improved.

Now it’s said that Triple H sees Ryback as a “personal project” and is looking to regenerate The Big Guy as a top guy on the roster.

A source noted that there has indeed been some talk of Triple H returning to the ring to face Ryback in 2015.
Get the tombstone ready for the Big Guy's burial then
F4W is confirming that there are plans for a Sting debut tonight.

They also confirm that Orton will appear tonight.

Also, there is another big surprise for tonight that "has been talked about happening for months" BUT they may hold off on if they feel that Sting and Orton is enough for tonight.

Speculate if you will on the third surprise.

Nxt takeover, Zayn, Neville, itami, Owens, Balor led by heyman :smokin

Won't happen tho since zayn and Neville are scheduled for evolution in a couple weeks. Maybe after that
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If sting shows up tonight and says arent you glad yoy paid 9.99 ...... i should automatically win the next 2 surveys
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