Wrestling Thread Nov 3-23 | 11/23 Survivor Series - MAJOR Surprises Planned | Team Cena v Team Autho

Watching a replay of Smackdown and this Rowan/Cesaro match annoys me. Cesaro should not be jobbing to that hack :smh:.

Anyway, what are you guys thinking for the PPV meal tomorrow? :nerd:
Just finished smackdown. So Cena doesn't even show up
. At home watching his "boys" get the **** beat out of them
Been playing 2k14 the last couple days since I haven't copped 2k15 yet.

Finally beat Undertaker in "Beat the Streak" mode.

Beat him twice with Punk and Orton.

For Punk I beat the dog**** outta Taker with the ring bell outside the ring, until I had 3 Finishers stored. Locked him in the Anaconda Vise outside so that he could use up his resiliency, the tossed in the ring and 3 GTSes later I was victorious.

For Orton, I worked Taker over with the ring bell, got 3 stored Finishers, got him in the ring and hit 2 RKOs and a punt to finish him.

When Taker tried to get his shenanigans popping off (like turning out the lights) I was like....

and dipped out of the ring with the quickness.

Being able to reverse the Tombstone a couple of times helped as well.
You tell her that you're watching Survivor Series and that's the end of the discussion..If she whines that it's your anniversary, tell her that "Anniversaries only count when you're married and I don't see no ring on this finger"..If she still complains then threaten to Power Bomb her through a flaming table (word to Bubba Ray)..
I'd pay $9.99 just see her reaction after that line
Guess what guys? The GF got sick so I cancelled our reservation. I'll get to watch SS live tonight! 
Word is that the meeting between Rey and Vince supposedly had Vince pitch him creative control on who he works with.

Regarding Cesaro, Vince is always going for and against with him regarding a push, despite him being very well liked backstage.
Survey done. With all of the rumors floating around and this PPV on the network for FREE99, it should be as interesting as it can be considering the current roster
F4W is confirming that there are plans for a Sting debut tonight.

They also confirm that Orton will appear tonight.

Also, there is another big surprise for tonight that "has been talked about happening for months" BUT they may hold off on if they feel that Sting and Orton is enough for tonight.

Speculate if you will on the third surprise.
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