Wrestling Thread Nov 3-23 | 11/23 Survivor Series - MAJOR Surprises Planned | Team Cena v Team Autho

All these broads run the gauntlet at one point or another. It's natural with all the traveling they do. Summer's mouth is always open for a reason.
Brie getting pedigreed by Steph
I'm happy they are going through with the dream match. Can't just give up on taker cuz a bad match when he had a concussion
I'm happy they are going through with the dream match. Can't just give up on taker cuz a bad match when he had a concussion
Dude wasn't looking too good leading up to the match and looked even worse after.  Taker is my dude, but Sting would have to carry that match.
Taker is washed up man. It's like watching Jamie Moyer pitch at this point.

Kinda wish I bought a gram for tonight. All I have is some stems from the cm punk era :smh:
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I'll take a Dolph turn as well but they aren't firing ryback. So much stuff can happen man. Even see Luke and Rowan back at it
Either Cesaro botched it backstage, they are trying to make him pay his dues before he gets pushed , or WWE has really lost their minds
Damn missed preshow earlier, what happen with BNB?
BNB came out and said he's back.

He had bad news for Team Cena saying they'll be fired if they lose the match and Cena will be forever tormented by The Authority.

Told the Authority that he had some bad news and the era of Bad News Barrett Era is about to begin.
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