Wrestling Thread Nov 3-23 | 11/23 Survivor Series - MAJOR Surprises Planned | Team Cena v Team Autho

Peep Game Peep Game that was such a damn good match. Ricochet and Ibushi... :smokin went straight :wow: at the springboard frankensteiner reversal. (If it's done with a pin then it's a huricanrana for those who want to try to correct me. :lol:)
Just signed up for the network 

Gonna cancel after tonight 
Fandango is a Latin dancer now?

Does he still do the top rope legdrop as his finisher?
Just ordered a steak pizza, wings, cheesy garlic bread on the way and got 24 count of beer on deck. :pimp: always do it right on ppvs
Can see ambrose strive in 90s ecw. Definitely see him as a Paul heyman guy
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