Wrestling Thread Nov 3-23 | 11/23 Survivor Series - MAJOR Surprises Planned | Team Cena v Team Autho

So Orton in the main event, gets taken out by rollins and "injured" so he can go film.
You give me your Hulu subscription and I will give you my MLW subscription

:lol: ....... No

It's only $15 upfront for the year I'll just do it. Hulu is $96 per year and mlw is $15. dc tried to hustle a ninja from uptown b. :smh: we invented the hustle
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This Authority storyline completely ****** up Orton's heel run. He's a born heel. 2008 Legend killa was the yearrrrrrrrrr
Randall has been on point promo wise the past couple of weeks. All hype and ****. Lots of passion. And of course he's about to be written off right now as his character finally shows some overdue growth. :smh:
LOL this makes no sense. The two top dudes on the team are just going to fight each other and then be fine?
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