Wrestling Thread Nov 3-23 | 11/23 Survivor Series - MAJOR Surprises Planned | Team Cena v Team Autho

Remember during the Monday Night Wars when we'd have that shocked feeling after seeing a wrestler switch companies? Sting's appearance brought me back to that.
This dude Dolph got his 03 SS hbk on :smokin

Hope this turns into a push and he gets booked strong. Ziggler vs Cena at mania for title with ziggs going over :smokin
Dam near fainted when rollins went for that too rope curb stomp. Hope he hits that as the finish to win his first ship. would mark out
Dam I got goosebumps when stings music hit b

And they killed it with the this is awesome chants
White people :smh:
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Ntwt is a no racism talk area... It's the only Damn thread on NT that hasn't fallen into it...

Sarcastic response but we're both right

I never said you were wrong lol... And obviously racism is prevalent in pro wrestling and wouldn't mind having discussions about that... But I hate it whenever a good thread just devolves onto a typical NT racism thread..
I never said you were wrong lol... And obviously racism is prevalent in pro wrestling and wouldn't mind having discussions about that... But I hate it whenever a good thread just devolves onto a typical NT racism thread..

Will never steer this thread in the wrong direction. Easily the best thread and band of brotherhood on nt. Nothing comes close.

Finna drink these beers pop some perc's and watch the walking dead
Ppv was trash and sting's debute could have been better. Hhh sold that punch like a 8 ball smack then patiently waited as sting took his time for the death drop. Only positive was ziggler.
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Was out for my mom's bday so I just came back to watch Sting's debut! Will watch the rest tomorrow. Lol at Steph having a meltdown. Raw should be entertaining...I hope.
just watched it again and seeing Sting in a wwe ring felt even more sickening than seeing Mcmahon on Nitro :smh:
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