Wrestling Thread Nov 3-23 | 11/23 Survivor Series - MAJOR Surprises Planned | Team Cena v Team Autho

Why the hell would I think his debut would be at this Trash PPV with that trash buildup :lol:
The Divas Match put me to sleep but let me get this straight....

Sting debuted last night??
Hit Triple H with a Scorpion Death Drop??
To help Mr. Alpha Himself win the Main Event??
And to be the Lone Survivor he pinned the Demon, The IC Champ & Mr. Money in the Bank in the span of 15 minites???


Every finisher and pin Ziggler has taken this past year was all worth it because of last night! (There's hope for Cesaro)

My only complaints....
1. Where was the Crow music and the creepy kid voice over??t (Vince always messes these things up just because he's so cheap)
2. Sting's Yoga Pants :smile:{)
3. Maijin Cena not letting Ziggler enjoy his moment
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I remember saying a couple months ago that I thought Sting would have something to do with The Authority disbanding, but I never thought that it would simultaneously involve the second biggest moment of Dolph's career. (Still putting the MITB cash-in as #1 for him)...
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They literally say that all the time didn't think this would be any different and lol at his entrance music. Just saw the vid.
They literally say that all the time didn't think this would be any different and lol at his entrance music. Just saw the vid.

i feel like randy woulda been better save sting for raw 

Had to put it on the PPV while the Network is free in order to convince people that unexpected things can happen at the PPVs and it is actually worth purchasing the network for. This was their big moment. While the rest of the card was pretty much trash, in most people's eyes, this may have saved the night. If they put that on Raw, they don't get any new subscribers.
^even Joey Styles would have been better than Cole's assembly line " oh my god!" But, I nitpick.
Sting debut still giving me chills.

And Rowan's theme is so tuff. On some American Horror Story type ish

D Fly D Fly

Who is that beautiful woman in you avy?

hood17 hood17 lovelovetenshi

Man I feel like I get asked that like every week :lol:

I know this is a tired point, but imagine how much better Sting's debut would have been with JR calling the shots.

Nah I think Cole was great actually. Dudes need to give him more credit he has sold the big moments this year perfectly.
it's the conversations they have that drags the entire commentary down to the point where the 1 time cole does something well no one cares their play by play/color is atrocious
The miz should give Mizdow a replica belt
y there is two belts theyre a tag team 
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