Wrestling Thread Nov 3-23 | 11/23 Survivor Series - MAJOR Surprises Planned | Team Cena v Team Autho

Orton's finally getting back in his groove being entertaining again, and Seth is money. dope ending. really thought Triple H was about to Pedigree Orton thru the table :lol:
About to run this random. I have to get to bed soon to be at work by 6am. :smh:

SO.. you will get your elf tonight, and I will get the questionnaire's sent out tomorrow afternoon. Cool?

I'll pm the elf's out tonight. Give me 15 mins.
That'll change now that he's not a heel.

maybe, he needed that edge that gave him that spark recently. maybe if he sticks to that, keeps being more angry in promos and is more energetic in the ring we might not be bored with him,
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What is this I'm reading about Blackdown? Is this real, is this finally happening? Has the time finally come?
"And with that Curb Stomp, the future is now."

What the hell does that even mean?

Don't know, but it's obvious that was Maggie's poor attempt at having his own version of JR's "The Austin Era has begun"
:lol: paige wasnt even on the show. She about to become another jobber during diva title fueds build ups. Should have stayed away from total divas b
If you envisioned Blackdown including a James Brown-esque preacher type then yes.

I originally envisioned Blackdown as the brand split still going on and having all black champions or all of Smackdown's roster being made up of black guys. This I can deal with too lol .
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