Wrestling Thread Nov 3-23 | 11/23 Survivor Series - MAJOR Surprises Planned | Team Cena v Team Autho

"@HulkHogan: Sad day for America and WWE Universe,Rusev as US Heavyweight Champion makes me sick,John Cena where are you when we need you brother. HH"

So Rusev is going to be on Team Authority, pin Cena to win the Survivor Series match, then go on to feud with Super "American" Seenuh, culminating in Jeyawn going over Russy at WM..
Got my elf... Had to search for his profile cause didn't recognize name... That's off to a good start lol...
Got my elf and although I know who he is, I can't think of one thing he posts about regularly..But then again I'm old so it's probably just an old timers moment kicking in..
Got my elf and although I know who he is, I can't think of one thing he posts about regularly..But then again I'm old so it's probably just an old timers moment kicking in..

If I was in the NTWT SS and I got you, I woulda had Adam Rose send you a happy birthday video. :pimp:

just kidding, the homie case would get Sting instead :pimp:
All the elf's have been sent out via PM. The lists were completely randomized. Sorry if you didn't get who you wanted. :lol:

I'm going to bed.
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I lose hope in the WWE universe every time Big Show gets a pop
My elf is a NTWT regular and one of my favorites. Looking forward to putting their package together :pimp:
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