Wrestling Thread Nov 3-23 | 11/23 Survivor Series - MAJOR Surprises Planned | Team Cena v Team Autho

I hate Rusev's finisher and his bare feet, but I think it's a good thing that he won the US belt..

Maybe he'll get some Lana backwards for winning the US Title.
Wonder if WWE will doing post Raw matches on the Network going forward?
About to run this random. I have to get to bed soon to be at work by 6am. :smh:

SO.. you will get your elf tonight, and I will get the questionnaire's sent out tomorrow afternoon. Cool?

I'll pm the elf's out tonight. Give me 15 mins.

Wonder if WWE will doing post Raw matches on the Network going forward?

They should of done something like that from the start. Like make us tune into the Network after RAW for something.. I haven't done that since the first night the Network debuted because it never enhanced anything. Wtf would I want a recap of what I just saw?
"@HulkHogan: Sad day for America and WWE Universe,Rusev as US Heavyweight Champion makes me sick,John Cena where are you when we need you brother. HH"
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