Wrestling Thread Nov 3-23 | 11/23 Survivor Series - MAJOR Surprises Planned | Team Cena v Team Autho

- "There's at least some speculation within WWE that Kofi Kingston and Big E will be involved in the "A New Day" gimmick with Xavier Woods. Big E and Kofi have not been featured in the new Woods vignettes that have aired."

omg you guys

What I was gonna say before I saw this post was that I know you're supposed to be patient and give stuff time, but I watched the Xavier promo and I loathe everything about it. Disco and the 70's have been clearly dead for a long time, and I'm sick of those gimmicks. If Big E & Kofi are involved, I'll wait. If not, Xavier Woods is Ernest Miller and I hope Ryback Shellshocks the preacher right out of him.
Finna down some beers and watch this.

Smh at dudes saying what they want in the thread. Should have put it in your questionaire b. Talking about I want them all white air pythons shamelessly in here :smh:

I know, it's disgusting that people are basically begging for stuff from people they don't even know..

Someone buy me that Big Gold belt and some Jordan's..
What I was gonna say before I saw this post was that I know you're supposed to be patient and give stuff time, but I watched the Xavier promo and I loathe everything about it. Disco and the 70's have been clearly dead for a long time, and I'm sick of those gimmicks. If Big E & Kofi are involved, I'll wait. If not, Xavier Woods is Ernest Miller and I hope Ryback Shellshocks the preacher right out of him.

Big E & Kofi better be with him. I just want the E to give brothas a chance man..but that'll never happen :stoneface: :lol:
I know, it's disgusting that people are basically begging for stuff from people they don't even know..

Someone buy me that Big Gold belt and some Jordan's..

This dude wants a $300 belt and then some $150+ jordans on top of that :lol: them Perc's are a hell of a drug
Somebody send case a leather belt with the words BIG GOLD written in gold glitter
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Also get a pair of Starburys and put Orlando Jordan's face on em.

There's your Jordans :lol:
I've sent PM's to those that asked to have jdcurt2's questionnaire..I won't send it out to anyone else cause we have more than enough..Thanks to those that have asked to participate..Hopefully my fellow NTWT Tag Team champion get's some cool stuff..
Work has me all messed up.  I can't even stay up through Raw and I miss these posts
.  Someone send me that questionnaire
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This dude wants a $300 belt and then some $150+ jordans on top of that :lol: them Perc's are a hell of a drug

Umm, no..I want that engraved with my name and real leather, so that bumps it up to around $450..And I want the XX9 so $225 for the Jordans..

Somebody send case a leather belt with the words BIG GOLD written in gold glitter

I'll take it!

Case what's your address? I got you b.

Don't be messing with my emotions man..

:lol: would cry if he post a picture of it

I'd wear that **** out in public..I have zero shame..

Also get a pair of Starburys and put Orlando Jordan's face on em.

There's your Jordans :lol:

You got problems man..:smh:
I just want a Generico mask so I could bang these *******, video tape it and have them scream "Ole."

O my god I want to do this...

And as I said before... If my SS were to get my a high quality iwgp hw title or a big gold... I offer a full weekend with my top 2 stable leaders... Marijuana and booze and condoms will be provided...
When yall order stuff for your elves do you order it to YOUR house first then ship it to your elf or straight from the website?

Never did a secret santa on here before
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When yall order stuff for your elves do you order it to YOUR house first then ship it to your elf or straight from the website?

Never did a secret santa on here before

I have it sent to my house that way I can check to make sure everything is correct and also so I can wrap it..
For my elf, everything's sent to my house.

If this Knicks game gets out of control I'm gonna put on this PWG Many Adventures of el Generico DVD I've had for a year now. Still haven't watched it.
Orlando Jordan's face on StarBury's :rofl: :rofl:

Ooooooh man I can watch Big Show getting washed on a never-ending loop :lol:

For my elf, everything's sent to my house.

If this Knicks game gets out of control I'm gonna put on this PAWG Adventures DVD I've had for a year now. Still haven't watched it.

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