Wrestling Thread Nov 3-23 | 11/23 Survivor Series - MAJOR Surprises Planned | Team Cena v Team Autho

Noticed on SD spoilers that
Cesaro lost again
Dudes need to stop going public, ranting about others, it will get you nowhere quick. Ask Ziggler.
@iHust1e how was the crowd in person compared to how it came off on TV? They seemed pretty drained by the US Title match.

And yeah we saw the Woods promo.
ohhh forgot to mention the crowd. 

I hate buffalo man. When MIGOS came out they had the nerve to chant Kyle Orton for the first half of the match. (That's the Buffalo Bills QB btw). Had me like 

Other than the CM bum chants every now and then, it was cool.

Crowd including myself snapped when vince came out.

Big pop for Zig too. I missed it bc i was at the concession stand :frown: but you could hear it was loud from out there
prolly will want ziggler shorts tho
my elf is where its warm 24/7 so he gon get dem orton draws 
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Listening to Ziggles on the Jericho podcast. No wonder his character is lame. He's boring in real life too.
getting my elf that new jericho book. throw in a tee too. Dat Always works.

i hope ziggles kept his mouth shut. listening later.
-The plan to re-introduce Bray Wyatt into a feud with Dean Ambrose had been in the works for some time before it actually happened at Hell In a Cell.

The idea behind the new Bray Wyatt is to make him creepier and scarier. We’ve noted that he’s penciled in for some main event feuds.

In another Hell In a Cell note, even with Wyatt scheduled for the surprise return, officials still had not decided on which Cell match would close the show as of that Sunday afternoon. In the end they went with Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins over John Cena vs. Randy Orton but it said a lot backstage.
-- Regarding Team Cena and last Monday’s WWE RAW, word is that many backstage were wondering who will be on the team and even creative wasn’t sure as of that night.

- Ryback has been well received backstage since returning last week. A source noted that Ryback had a different demeanor than before and came off great. Ryback has been known for having a bad attitude in the past but it was said that he had everything together last week.
-During an interview published last week in Fighting Spirit Magazine discussing the circumstances surrounding his departure from WWE, Alberto Del Rio claimed that it was not uncommon for people in positions of power in the Stamford, Connecticut-based organization to openly say racial remarks around employees under the guise of jokes. According to Del Rio, the remarks were frequently aimed toward African Americans and Hispanics.

On Aug. 7, WWE announced the release of Del Rio “due to unprofessional conduct and an altercation with an employee.” Recalling the altercation, he said, “That guy, the social media guy [Cody Barbierri, WWE's then-manager of social media], made a racist joke—saying that it was my job to clean his table. Of course, I got really upset, and I asked him for an apology, but he didn’t do it; instead of giving me an apology, he smiled, giving me this big “**** you” smirk, and I slapped him. That was it. Right after that I had a conversation with Vince McMahon and all the important people in the company, and they all said, “Don’t worry, nothing’s going to happen. We’re not saying what you did was the right thing to do, but we understand where you’re coming from after getting that big insult from this guy, who instead of apologizing, he smiled at you.”

He continued, “This is unfair, because we always get these racist jokes from WWE employees, and I’ve never been happy [about it]. I didn’t say anything, because most of the people doing these racist jokes were important people in the company. It was not just to me, it was to all the Latino elements in the company, all the African Americans, but the way it is in the company, if you come from that background, you have to live with that—you have no option, you know?”

Del Rio was initially told by WWE officials that he was going to be suspended for a few weeks for slapping Barbierri, but they decided to fire him due to concern over a lawsuit being filed after a similar incident took place last year where Big Show slapped “another social media guy” and he sued the company—this legal dispute is still ongoing. A top WWE official told Del Rio he could return once “things cool down,” to which he responded that wouldn’t come back if he wasn’t re-hired by the end of their phone call. Del Rio reiterated that he had no plans on re-signing with WWE once his contract expired.

“As you know, and everybody else knows, I wasn’t going to stay [in WWE] once my contract was up. They were like, “Well, you need to wait” and I said, “I’m not going to wait. I wasn’t going to stay anyway, so if we don’t fix this—if you’re gonna fire me when I’m the victim and I have to hear this guy making these comments,” said Del Rio.

According to Del Rio, the member of WWE management who notified him of his release would often make racial jokes around employees. Del Rio voiced his displeasure with this during their conversation, feeling that he should be setting a better example.

“The person calling me was one of the most important people in the company, and I said, “We always hear these racist jokes from you, and because you’re one of the most important people in the company in this company, your other employees hear you making these stupid comments, and they think they can do it,” said Del Rio. “I said, “It’s just like in my house: if my son sees me spitting on the floor, he’s gonna do it, because he’s going to think that it’s the right thing to do, because I’m the power figure in the house. In this company, it’s exactly the same: when they hear you doing these racist comments all the time, and we don’t say anything, because it is you, now those guys think they can go make those stupid comments.”

According to Wrestling Observer editor Dave Meltzer, who initially reported Del Rio’s interview comments, the person who Del Rio is talking about is Paul “Triple H” Levesque, WWE’s Executive Vice President, Talent, Live Events & Creative.

“The guy who made the call was Levesque,” Meltzer stated on the F4WOnline.com message board in response to a question asking which WWE executive made the phone call to Del Rio.

Days after his release from WWE, Del Rio said in this interview on a morning talk show in Mexico that it was Triple H who personally informed of his departure.

This is not the first time where Triple H has been accused of racism. Ricardo Rodriguez, Del Rio’s former personal ring announcer, revealed after his departure from WWE over the summer that Triple H never referred to him by his name, but as “Bumblebee,” an overweight Latino cartoon character on The Simpsons who dresses in a bumblebee costume and is portrayed as a spoof on common American stereotypes of Mexican pop culture. Rodriguez later found out that Triple H had referred to other Latino wrestlers as “Bumblebee.”

Rodriguez said on the Busted Open radio show with Doug Mortman and Dave Lagreca, “I am a little bigger; I am not fat by all means. With my lucha background, I can do flips, front flips, back flips, 450?s, shooting stars, and all that (explicative); Yeah so when I was working with the tryouts and being extras. We would do spots and I would flip around and take bumps like a clothesline and shooting stars. Triple H would call me a bumblebee; I was in Puerto Rico not too long ago and I saw Savio Vega and he used to call him a bumblebee and then I found out he called Super Crazy a bumblebee. He was a referring to an American guy doing flips. He would always make this comment about me being Mexican and Del Rio being Mexican. I and Del Rio use to call ourselves stupid names but when someone else would call us those names we would go whoa hold the (explicative) up.”

Former WWE and WCW star Konnan considers the “Bumblebee” remark racist.

“That shows you the racist element of upper management,” Konnan said of the label on Twitter. “Soon you will hear why i am saying this..[Vince McMahon] and [Triple H] have made numerous racists remarks which they will have to be held accountable for.”

Cliff notes - shovel is a backstage racist
-During the latest edition of Jim Ross’ weekly “Ross Report” podcast, the WWE Hall Of Fame announcer shed some interesting light on the rumors that Brock Lesnar may possibly be headed back to the UFC.

Ross spoke about Lesnar’s current contract with WWE winding down, and how the pro wrestling promotion may handle the end of his deal with the company.

“Between you and me, I just can’t see WWE re-signing Brock [Lesnar] under the current contractual stipulations [that he has with WWE right now],” said J.R. “And if that’s the case, then why would Brock headline WrestleMania 31? Especially if word gets out — and it will — that he’s leaving the company.”

Ross, who recently made his MMA announcing debut for BattleGrounds MMA and has teased that he may do more MMA commentary work in the future, then switched gears to focus on the rumors that Lesnar could be headed back to the Octagon.

“I don’t know what Brock wants to do [when his WWE deal expires]. He’s made a lot of money. He’s got a healthy, beautiful family. He may want to just hunt. He may want to go back to MMA, go back to UFC for a big money fight or two.”

“Good Ole’ JR” continued, “Because he could be booked in a real favorable situation there if UFC wanted to do that, and if he wanted to fight, and I have been told that he still has the itch to get back in the Octagon. Whether it’s true or not, it’s just what I’ve heard.”

J.R. wrapped up his discussion on the topic by stating that “interesting days lay ahead” when it comes to the future of Brock Lesnar.

“He’s got a great deal there in WWE, but he does need to work more dates so that WWE can maximize the potential of Brock Lesnar,” said Ross. “I would say interesting days lay ahead — it would seem anyway — for both WWE and Brock, and their pending contractual negotiations, which I would think you’d want to have finalized long before WrestleMania 31.”
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