Wrestling Thread Nov 3-23 | 11/23 Survivor Series - MAJOR Surprises Planned | Team Cena v Team Autho

Is summsrslam the only ppv next ur in the tri state area?

Looks like it. I think the raw after or before SS is in Brooklyn or msg since they're advertising the location as ny/nj.
Prokhorov stay undercutting Dolan's price to rent the arena. Must be a rusev fan as well.
The vid with Roman Reigns and Randy Orton is current gen (PS4, XB1).

The vid with Rusev is last gen (PS3, 360)

Oh ok. Used to it still being called next gen.

Saw the video, not really impressed.
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blue thunder bomb needs to close out a match one day. give me a reason to believe it's not a 2 count each time.
WWE looking to sign MMA and Hockey brawlers.
heaven forbid they bring in people with great wrestling talent.

good match. mediocre finish but i get it so i don't mind it. Kidd is gonna be a decent IC champion one day. Zayn has a really bright future though. Gonna pop in that Generico DVD now.
WWE should just sign some established wrestlers like AJ Styles.
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