Wrestling Thread Nov 3-23 | 11/23 Survivor Series - MAJOR Surprises Planned | Team Cena v Team Autho

 FolarinRedStorm ??

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Raw Spoilers so far
Michael Cole came out to initial boos but then polite applause. JBL came out hatless but the crowd chanted his name loudly. Finally, Jerry Lawler was out to a mega pop and "Jerry" chants. There was no pyro to start Raw. Lilian sang "God Save the Queen"...

A recap of last week was shown and focussed on Randy Orton turning babyface. A "Where's Our Network?" chant started again only it was louder this time...

John Cena came out to mega boos. The crowd sang John Cena sucks during his intro. Cena looked a little rattled. He tried and failed to get the crowd behind him. The fans started up the network chant again. Cena said he understands and the crowd got behind him. There was even a "Yes" chant. He used the lack of the network in the UK and blamed The Authority.

Cena got back on track and said The Authority have stopped people from joining his Survivor Series. He said Zack Ryder's real life injury was the result of him saying he wanted to join. He said Jack Swagger and Dolph Ziggler would be his first two teammates. He said The Authority scared everyone else. He said he wants his opponent tonight, Ryback, to come down to the ring to talk.

There was yet another "Where's Our Network" chant again as The Authority got in the ring. Triple H said Cena is right in that everything is on the line. He was drowned out by network chant. Triple H waffled for two minutes about playing the game, saying the same thing in 70 different ways. He said The Authority always wins. Triple H said Jack Swagger and laughed, then mockingly said Dolph Ziggler's name and made him out to be "the little tiny guy." Cena came back with a Daniel Bryan line.

Steph waffled about Team Authority. She tried to recruit Ryback for Team Authority. Triple H followed up by offering Ryback more. Ryback thought about it and smiled. Cena called them wankers. Cena ran down The Authority. Cena asked Ryback which side he was on. The crowd chanted "Feed Me More." Ryback said he's not afraid of The Authority, but he doesn't see Ryback at the bottom of his paycheck. He turned around and gave Cena a spinebuster to presumably join Team Authority...

Steph waffled about Team Authority. She tried to recruit Ryback for Team Authority. Triple H followed up by offering Ryback more. Ryback thought about it and smiled. Cena called them wankers. Cena ran down The Authority. Cena asked Ryback which side he was on. The crowd chanted "Feed Me More." Ryback said he's not afraid of The Authority, but he doesn't see Ryback at the bottom of his paycheck. He turned around and gave Cena a spinebuster to presumably join Team Authority...

They announced Ziggler would face Henry later... Rollins remained at ringside. Swagger came out with Zeb Colter. They showed a reply of Ryback turning...

1. Seth Rollins defeated Jack Swagger. Unbelievably, people in droves headed to the bar. Rollins and Swagger both got lukewarm reaction. The crowd was silent for a pretty decent match. They came alive to chant "We The People, which was weird. The crowd chanted for all three commentators. One section of fans chanted for Jim Ross. Swagger put Seth in ankle lock at ringside. The new stooges Joey Mercury and Jamie Noble interfered. Seth put Swagger in the ring and hit the Curb Stomp for the 1-2-3. Swagger appeared to be busted open in the middle of the ring as doctors tended to him. The Authority stood over him. Seth hit another Curb Stomp...

Highlights of Smackdown were shown of Dean Ambrose and Bray Wyatt on The Peep Show...

There was a backstage promo from Ambrose. He said he's not trying to be a hero. Every time he gets in the ring he faces demons worse than Wyatt. He said he hopes there's a special place in hell for both of them. Wyatt vs. Ambrose was confirmed for Survivor Series...

There was a backstage promo from Ambrose. He said he's not trying to be a hero. Every time he gets in the ring he faces demons worse than Wyatt. He said he hopes there's a special place in hell for both of them. Wyatt vs. Ambrose was confirmed for Survivor Series...

Ryback shown backstage to boos. Kane told him that tonight would his opportunity to take out Cena. Kane said if he wants to be a successful cog in The Authority machine then he needs humility. They were already building tension between Kane and Ryback...

2. Paige defeated Alicia Fox. Page received a huge reaction. Biggest pop of the night so far. A "Let's go, Paige" chant started, followed by England. It was a basic Diva match with Paige winning via pinfall in about three minutes.

Hunter and Stephanie watched the Vince announcement from last week. Steph said its a test. She's been tested her whole life. Hunter questioned if he was trying to split them. Hunter again disparaged Ziggler and said they will overcome. Steph questioned "what if?" Triple H said as long as they have each other they will be fine and they kissed...

Rusev and Lana were shown walking backstage before they were stopped by Stephanie. Lana said they are still considering. Steph said consider this you stupid Russian twit. You scratch my back... As the video was playing they setup the ring for an interview segment which presumably was for Rusev as there was a Russian flag... They showed various vehicle incidents in WWE history...

Rusev came out with the lovely Lana. They showed highlights of his U.S. Title win from the network last week, which didn't go down well. Lana said Rusev is "your champion." How ironic? She said he wears it as a symbol of how much better Russia is than the United States, which got a pop. Rusev was told that mother Russia is proud of him. There was a random chant of "Winston Churchill" followed by "what?" chants. They played the Russian national anthem, which was boo'd heavily. This was interrupted by Sheamus, who charged the ring and cleared the Russian party...
Raw Spoilers so far
Michael Cole came out to initial boos but then polite applause. JBL came out hatless but the crowd chanted his name loudly. Finally, Jerry Lawler was out to a mega pop and "Jerry" chants. There was no pyro to start Raw. Lilian sang "God Save the Queen"...

A recap of last week was shown and focussed on Randy Orton turning babyface. A "Where's Our Network?" chant started again only it was louder this time...

John Cena came out to mega boos. The crowd sang John Cena sucks during his intro. Cena looked a little rattled. He tried and failed to get the crowd behind him. The fans started up the network chant again. Cena said he understands and the crowd got behind him. There was even a "Yes" chant. He used the lack of the network in the UK and blamed The Authority.

Cena got back on track and said The Authority have stopped people from joining his Survivor Series. He said Zack Ryder's real life injury was the result of him saying he wanted to join. He said Jack Swagger and Dolph Ziggler would be his first two teammates. He said The Authority scared everyone else. He said he wants his opponent tonight, Ryback, to come down to the ring to talk.

There was yet another "Where's Our Network" chant again as The Authority got in the ring. Triple H said Cena is right in that everything is on the line. He was drowned out by network chant. Triple H waffled for two minutes about playing the game, saying the same thing in 70 different ways. He said The Authority always wins. Triple H said Jack Swagger and laughed, then mockingly said Dolph Ziggler's name and made him out to be "the little tiny guy." Cena came back with a Daniel Bryan line.

Steph waffled about Team Authority. She tried to recruit Ryback for Team Authority. Triple H followed up by offering Ryback more. Ryback thought about it and smiled. Cena called them wankers. Cena ran down The Authority. Cena asked Ryback which side he was on. The crowd chanted "Feed Me More." Ryback said he's not afraid of The Authority, but he doesn't see Ryback at the bottom of his paycheck. He turned around and gave Cena a spinebuster to presumably join Team Authority...

Steph waffled about Team Authority. She tried to recruit Ryback for Team Authority. Triple H followed up by offering Ryback more. Ryback thought about it and smiled. Cena called them wankers. Cena ran down The Authority. Cena asked Ryback which side he was on. The crowd chanted "Feed Me More." Ryback said he's not afraid of The Authority, but he doesn't see Ryback at the bottom of his paycheck. He turned around and gave Cena a spinebuster to presumably join Team Authority...

They announced Ziggler would face Henry later... Rollins remained at ringside. Swagger came out with Zeb Colter. They showed a reply of Ryback turning...

1. Seth Rollins defeated Jack Swagger. Unbelievably, people in droves headed to the bar. Rollins and Swagger both got lukewarm reaction. The crowd was silent for a pretty decent match. They came alive to chant "We The People, which was weird. The crowd chanted for all three commentators. One section of fans chanted for Jim Ross. Swagger put Seth in ankle lock at ringside. The new stooges Joey Mercury and Jamie Noble interfered. Seth put Swagger in the ring and hit the Curb Stomp for the 1-2-3. Swagger appeared to be busted open in the middle of the ring as doctors tended to him. The Authority stood over him. Seth hit another Curb Stomp...

Highlights of Smackdown were shown of Dean Ambrose and Bray Wyatt on The Peep Show...

There was a backstage promo from Ambrose. He said he's not trying to be a hero. Every time he gets in the ring he faces demons worse than Wyatt. He said he hopes there's a special place in hell for both of them. Wyatt vs. Ambrose was confirmed for Survivor Series...

There was a backstage promo from Ambrose. He said he's not trying to be a hero. Every time he gets in the ring he faces demons worse than Wyatt. He said he hopes there's a special place in hell for both of them. Wyatt vs. Ambrose was confirmed for Survivor Series...

Ryback shown backstage to boos. Kane told him that tonight would his opportunity to take out Cena. Kane said if he wants to be a successful cog in The Authority machine then he needs humility. They were already building tension between Kane and Ryback...

2. Paige defeated Alicia Fox. Page received a huge reaction. Biggest pop of the night so far. A "Let's go, Paige" chant started, followed by England. It was a basic Diva match with Paige winning via pinfall in about three minutes.

Hunter and Stephanie watched the Vince announcement from last week. Steph said its a test. She's been tested her whole life. Hunter questioned if he was trying to split them. Hunter again disparaged Ziggler and said they will overcome. Steph questioned "what if?" Triple H said as long as they have each other they will be fine and they kissed...

Rusev and Lana were shown walking backstage before they were stopped by Stephanie. Lana said they are still considering. Steph said consider this you stupid Russian twit. You scratch my back... As the video was playing they setup the ring for an interview segment which presumably was for Rusev as there was a Russian flag... They showed various vehicle incidents in WWE history...

Rusev came out with the lovely Lana. They showed highlights of his U.S. Title win from the network last week, which didn't go down well. Lana said Rusev is "your champion." How ironic? She said he wears it as a symbol of how much better Russia is than the United States, which got a pop. Rusev was told that mother Russia is proud of him. There was a random chant of "Winston Churchill" followed by "what?" chants. They played the Russian national anthem, which was boo'd heavily. This was interrupted by Sheamus, who charged the ring and cleared the Russian party...
so basically i can watch mnf 
why turn rebuke heel they better not take away feed me more
Probably a swerve, but where is Orton in the picture? Thwagger originally on the team, but have Orton as the surprise? I hope we dont see Ryback turn again by the end of the show

Strong Stylez, Enough Said!
if he keeps feed me more I'm cool with it he drops that again i lose interest that's what makes him the big guy
USPS is the worst in da heightz b. Hate them. Any time I order anythjng it never ever gets delivered to my crib I have to go pick it up after the second attempt. Dudes don't even ring the bell or leave a pick up slip they just don't deliver it. Won't even know until I check tracking info. Call to complain they don't even care b at all. Call the city they don't care either :smh: . I use fed ex for everything



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