Wrestling Thread Nov 3-23 | 11/23 Survivor Series - MAJOR Surprises Planned | Team Cena v Team Autho

woulda been awesome to have a kotr  meet up where dean has to go through ramen reigns to get to rollins def. ziggler/cesaro to get to final 
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I was just watching the Goldberg episode of MNW and I about choked on my Pepsi when Cena gave his 2 cents about Goldberg..They were talking about how GBerg was handled after his loss and that his momentum basically stalled..Cena comes on and say something to the effect of "You can't have a guy always beat people up and never lose cause the fans will get tired of it"..Now if that ain't the pot calling the kettle black then I don't know what is..Dumbass John Cena..I hope Nikki pokes holes in all your rubbers and she gets pregnant with quintuplets..
I was just watching the Goldberg episode of MNW and I about choked on my Pepsi when Cena gave his 2 cents about Goldberg..They were talking about how GBerg was handled after his loss and that his momentum basically stalled..Cena comes on and say something to the effect of "You can't have a guy always beat people up and never lose cause the fans will get tired of it"..Now if that ain't the pot calling the kettle black then I don't know what is..Dumbass John Cena..I hope Nikki pokes holes in all your rubbers and she gets pregnant with quintuplets..
chill gramps nikki will lose that body then
It all depends where the stock is. If it gets down to $7 and he's being offered $18 to go private he might as well do it. The only interest companies have in WWE is for the content they have from all these years.

Per the tournament idea, I think it would be awesome if they did it. But they won't or if they did it would end with King Cena. They could just bring back KOTR.
this . just wondering was King Booker the last kotr ? what year ?

king sheamus
Raw is not live tonight (WWE is in England). Spoilers will start appearing online at 2 p.m et so please put them in spoiler tags.
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all of my elf's stuff came in today. very satisfied with the quality on some of these shirts. kinda wanna order a few for myself now :lol: probably won't ship out for another week or two so it's closer to the holiday.
Just sent out my elf's stuff. 

Everybody make sure you post a pic or something about your gift to let your secret santa know you received what they sent.  Or at least let Jdcurt know so he can pass it on.
Not wasting any time huh^ I might just send this stuff out this week if I get a chance rather than it taking up space.
Just discovered a new section to the Vault on the Network..It's called ECW Exposed..Just started Cyber Slam '96
So sad that stuff is hidden on there man. Not cool.

But has anyone heard about New Japan creating their version of the #wwenetwork ?
Anyone going to the presale party this Friday for wm31. Got my free tickets for me and my boy already. Planning to get my tickets saturday as well
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