Wrestling Thread Nov 3-23 | 11/23 Survivor Series - MAJOR Surprises Planned | Team Cena v Team Autho

Dam ya already sending gifts out? Have mine ready to go but will wait till December 1st to ship through fed ex. Want to see if I get lucky on a second pair of infrareds first.... wink
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Like why do they think it's a good idea to still trot Kane out there in important matches?

I've been asking myself the same question every week for a long time.

Has anyone read the fake biography they made for his character? I haven't read it but the reviews were terrible when I looked it up. It's called Journey into Darkness I think
Curious to see how they fill out the rest of the card. That is going to be a struggle. :x

I think some of those guys in the ss match will be doing double duty.

Divas match
Bray vs ambrose
Another usos vs dust Bro match
They teased a few weeks ago on sd a debut. Maybe zayn or ascension or both.
All I could think of right now. that 5 on 5 will have to be like 90 min srs.
Bnb return too??
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I liked Swagger & Zeb as patriotic faces. His feud with Rusev should've went longer
Working tonight. Got raw on DVR. just read the first spoiler of the night. I'll refrain from reading any further today :frown: :smh: wish I could be with my NTWT bros for tonight
Working tonight. Got raw on DVR. just read the first spoiler of the night. I'll refrain from reading any further today :frown: :smh: wish I could be with my NTWT bros for tonight

My boss made me work tonight. Was originally supposed to be working the afternoon :smh:

So now I'm gonna miss MNF :smh:

My boss is a troll :stoneface:
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 @ the spoilers
Rock vs Austin - Wrestlemania 17
Rock vs Undertaker vs Angle - Vengeance 2002
Rock vs Mankind (I Quit)- Royal Rumble 1999
Rock vs Hogan - Wrestlemania X-8
Rock vs HHH (Ladder)- Summerslam 1998
Rock vs Cena - Wrestlemania 28
Survivor Series 2001 WWF vs. the Alliance (Elimination Match)
Rock vs Austin- WrestleMania 19
Rock vs Austin- WrestleMania 15
Rock & Sock vs Evolution- Wrestlemania 20
honorable mention rock vs. mankin halftime heat 
In a perfect world-

Top Heels
CM Punk
Bray Wyatt
Seth Rollins
Dolph Ziggler
Kevin Steen
Wade Barrett

Top Faces
Daniel Bryan
Roman Reigns
Dean Ambrose
Sami Zayn
Adrian Neville
make ramen a valet or tag team wit fandango 

cesaro- needs new music before i can take serious 

switch - steen & ryback
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