Wrestling Thread Nov 3-23 | 11/23 Survivor Series - MAJOR Surprises Planned | Team Cena v Team Autho

 guess they werent lying about vince,i guess he will be taking cesaros spot on the card now that cesaro bout to be fandango'd
one of the main reasons ive always liked survivor series was the intertwining of stars and storylines so much could develop from that,its a good thing for the business, glad it kind of seems theyre going in that direction 

missed that kofi promo,was it bad ?
Raw Is Ryback :smokin i dunno why but for some odd feeling i feel like they would turn Cena heel and make Team Authority win. really doubt it tho :lol:
lol cesaro auditioned for team authority(they aint even ask him) and they still aint pick him up after he basically begged.not only did he not make the squad he aint even make the show,im sure all them wrestlers taking note,dont **** with the wrong people 
Just watched AJ Styles vs Yoshi Tatsu from Power Struggle... Holy **** Yoshi landed right on his head during the Styles Clash.. Took it just like Roderick Strong... Just like Roddy, it was Yishi's fault...
Are these people on team authority to just have on the team and because feud integrity or are these people really in for the long run with HHH now assuming they win and continue to be the authority
thanks for the bday wishes guys. I'm whacked right now my girl treated me to buddekan still didn't get no bday presents though k
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