Wrestling Thread Oct 24-30 | 10/29 Maryse Released by WWE

Originally Posted by NewZ05

Cena takes the hate so personal, like he really posed in front of dude like that

Originally Posted by toine2983

As promised to the NTWT Universe the debut of Toine's Caribbean Cantina.

I had planned on debuting my new show with a special guest but will save that for a later date. I felt it necessary to kick off my debut show by reintroducing myself to the uninformed in NTWT Universe.

I am toine
2983 The first and only Caribbean superstar in NTWT Universe. I am one of the longest tenured members of the NTWT Universe, been here nearly six years. I have seen it all in my time here. I have seen people come and go, people get hired and fired (or in Club's case hired and fired multiple times) but there has always been one constant ME. I have busted my @%$ in NTWT Universe over the years and because of it moved my way up the ranks to the top of the NTWT Universe and remain there to this day.

I know I haven't been that active in NTWT Universe in recent weeks, but that doesn't mean I'm not watching. In fact I've been very observant of what's been going on. I see a lot of promise in some of the newer NTWT Superstars; the future is indeed very bright in the NTWT Universe, but make no mistake about I am the 
PRESENT and will continue to be so for the forseeable future. Anyone looking to use me as a stepping stone to get ahead in the NTWT Universe will be in for a rude awakening.

I have proven myself time and time again and at NTSeries it will be no different.
NTDown has some talent but their fate was already sealed the minute they selected their captain, Club27. Club has been a loose cannon in the NTWT Universe since he made his debut. he has almost as much Wellness Policy violations as NTWT matches. It isn't even a guarantee that Club will even make it to NTSeries, one more violation and he's done in the NTWT Universe.

"And this is with whom you want to place your faith?"

I along with the rest of team NTRaw look forward to putting you Club and the rest of NTDown in their place once and for all.

Speaking of putting people in their place
Ninong you have been running your mouth, taking shots at me the past few weeks. It seems as if your lack of testes has done irreparable damage to your brain. You're not the first to challenge me but you damn sure will be the last. Because when NTSeries is over and NTRaw is victorious I have my sights set on you. The beating GHIMS gave you will pale in comparison to what I will do to you.

Tick. Tock. Ninong, your time is running out, and until then I'll be waiting.

I don't want to speak for Toine, but I know that Toine's Caribbean Cantina is going to be huge for Team NTRaw.  Each and every Monday night, it will give us a platform to speak our minds and let the NTWT Universe just what kind of impact we're going to make against NTDown at NTSS.  And things are just getting started tonight.  Immediately following Raw, Hombrelobo will be checking in with even more!

And don't forget, The Deek has not yet addressed the public since his surprising addition to Team NTRaw last night.  The NTWT Universe is anxiously awaiting The Deek's thoughts on joining the squad!
why are they letting cena pick his own partner? wasn't it already decided that it would be rock and cena vs whoever?
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