Wrestling Thread Oct 24-30 | 10/29 Maryse Released by WWE

yo just saw smackdown
at hunico saying viva los vatos locos
wait a minute....


aren't beer money inc's contracts up in a couple of months?

maybe i'm late but, is am immediate championship reign/major push a part of tna's incentives plan?

sign rvd - heavyweight champ
sign christian - heavyweight champ
sign anderson - heavyweight champ
sign micki james - knockout champ/top paid knockout
sign crimson - goldberg push
sign austin aries - x division champ
sign gail kim - knockout tag champ
oh roode/storm, wwe is interested in you? - sudden main event push/heavyweight champs.
Originally Posted by brasilianmami

Originally Posted by Nike Jordan

Maryse has been released by WWE.

4w bout to be like...


*checks wwe.com



For real
 i had actually thought she was on her way back. Guess not. Based on her twitter, she's extremely happy
and "FREE", and is holding a "release party". I don't know what a release party is, but I'm down to be released.

Spoiler [+]
If Layla is released in the near future, part of my spirit will be gone
Impact Wrestling Ratings

- Last night's episode of Impact Wrestling did a 1.14 rating, down from last week's 1.35 to about average TNA numbers. The show did hourly ratings of 1.21 and 1.07 and was up against the World Series and Beavis & Butthead​'s return to TV.

The show's quarter-hour ratings breakdown was as follows:

Q1: 1.30 - James Storm's opening talking segment with appearances by Fortune, Samoa Joe​, and Sting
Q2: 1.20 - Christopher Daniels vs. Rob Van Dam
Q3: 1.20 - Knockouts talking segment, Gail Kim​ vs. Tara
Q4: 1.14 - Eric Young vs. Robbie E. for the Television Title
Q5: 1.15 - Eric and Garrett Bischoff
Q6: 1.05 - Flair and Bischoff backstage, video packages, the first-half of Jeff Hardy​ vs. Bully Ray​
Q7: 1.01 - Finish of Jeff Hardy vs. Bully Ray, post-match interview
Q8: 1.06 - Robert Roode vs. Samoa Joe, Bischoffs and Flair
all jokes aside though i actually am upset about the maryse release
she's in my top 5 current divas right now.
behind kaitlyn who holds spots #1 and #2
and although she couldn't wrestle a lick, i mostly enjoyed her matches. ..well as much as you can enjoy a diva's match.
Maryse definitely had the "it" factor and was loaded with charisma, and of course is hot as hell, but I can't
say that I enjoyed her matches. Most were pretty awful, only a little more fluid in the ring than Kelly Kelly.
Really the thing that's burned in my head about her is when she kicked Cherry full on in the nose, and then
completely tripped over feet and landed on her face
Spoiler [+]

I'M OUT and sexier than ever! Thanks to all my fans, colleagues and @WWE Universe. Time to party! 'Release' party tonight at @trousdale LA. Im Happy, im Smiling, and FREE.
Great RKO/Ziggler match... Ziggler is a top 5 in ring talent in the company and probably the best seller... you can tell WWE is high on him because Ziggler basically beat RKO... RKO only "kicked out" of that super kick because Ziggler rolled him through... Ziggler only lost against Cena Blue because of his own mistake... he's probably going to job the US Title to Mason for a month or two Ala Miz/Danielson.and then join the main event... thankfully he's on Raw instead of SD because IMO there's no way Mizark jobs to anyone till WM... I truly think WWE is going to. Push D Bry around the RR area... he's a Guy that can get over in the ring.. I think the best comparison to DB is Bret Hart... very similar in size and even intheir early WWE run...
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