Wrestling Thread Sep 8-14 | 9/11 NXT Takeover - KENTA Debut, Neville v Zayn v Kidd v Breeze

It was obvious as hell that Phil didn't have the same passion long before he quit. Dude was only using 5 moves, he looked like ****, you could tell he was worn out. But still, if that was the case, he should've asked for time off instead of just ditching the company the way he did.

That's basically what I had said..I guess to me I look at it like this: As a man you honor your word and you don't back out on that word..I know in wrestling people are cutting each others throats left and right..And there's a good chance that Trips and Vinny promised Punk the main event and Mania a couple times and then went back on their word..That wouldn't surprise me one bit..But just because that, maybe, happened doesn't mean you take a dump on the business you claim to love and the guys you say you're trying to help by walking away..You do what all the greats have done in the past, and that's doing the job on the way out the door..

Meh, Austin walked out, then repaired things and came back for a final run. Wouldn't be surprised if Punk did the same, but it definitely won't be has fast as Austin came back.

I think Austin walking out was different..They basically wanted to bury him to Brock in a match where there was no build up and no long term payoff for either guys character..It was still wrong for him to do and he's admitted as much and said it was one of the biggest regrets of his wrestling career..

As compared to Punk who left for, IMO, more petty reasons..He's never said anything to the fans as far as an apology for walking out..He's never said "Hey I was wrong in this situation and I'm gonna do my best to make it right"..Maybe I wouldn't be so hard on Punk if he'd just show some maturity and quit acting like a brat..

That's basically what I had said..I guess to me I look at it like this: As a man you honor your word and you don't back out on that word..I know in wrestling people are cutting each others throats left and right..And there's a good chance that Trips and Vinny promised Punk the main event and Mania a couple times and then went back on their word..That wouldn't surprise me one bit..But just because that, maybe, happened doesn't mean you take a dump on the business you claim to love and the guys you say you're trying to help by walking away..You do what all the greats have done in the past, and that's doing the job on the way out the door..
I think Austin walking out was different..They basically wanted to bury him to Brock in a match where there was no build up and no long term payoff for either guys character..It was still wrong for him to do and he's admitted as much and said it was one of the biggest regrets of his wrestling career..

As compared to Punk who left for, IMO, more petty reasons..He's never said anything to the fans as far as an apology for walking out..He's never said "Hey I was wrong in this situation and I'm gonna do my best to make it right"..Maybe I wouldn't be so hard on Punk if he'd just show some maturity and quit acting like a brat..

Walking out is walking out. Period. Stone Cold was just as petty as Phillip. The whole Brock thing is just the excuse we've settled on as the years passed. The only difference between the two is the fact that Stone Cold was lucky that he had WWF Confidential to share his take on things instead of just the dirt sheets speculating. But at the end of the day, close your eyes and distort the voice, you might as well say this is CM Punk talking

What's that Cryptic tweet wwe sent out hashtag #bullettime???? Neville, zayn, join kenta, steen and devitt tonight?
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Regardless of how he left, he did so in poor taste. Finish out your contract and then call it quits just like Stone Cold said.
Austin is one of the worst examples lol. Regardless, no one knows what happened and by the way he looked toward his run, it's better he left then before he ended up needing a bunch of surgeries like D. Bry (or even Cena for that matter). These dudes don't show up to a desk everyday
I know Austin walked out and in hindsight, he said he regretted it. He made his peace and came back. Punk handled it like a ***** from his nonchalant attitude in the ring to the way he carried himself out of it. He wasn't a voice for the voiceless as his inflated ego would lead him to believe. He was always for himself and it was on display when he just up and left. Finish the contract and no one can hold anything against you.

The #1 argument is always "Well he held the title for 434 days." So let us look back on that reign.

The night he won the Championship at Survivor Series, he wasn't considered good enough to close the show out. You know what we got instead... John Cena & The Rock up against The Miz & R Truth.

His first title defense was at TLC the following month and he was allowed to headline it. The next PPV was Royal Rumble which typically ends with the big 30 man rumble so that wasn't a slight at least in that moment.

For the next 7 months your longest reigning champion took a back seat to the following:
Elimination Chamber ended with John Cena vs. Kane
Wrestlemania ended with John Cena vs. Rock
Exttreme Rules ended with John Cena vs. Brock
Over the Limit ended with John Laurenitis vs. John Cena
No Way Out: John Cena vs. Big Show
Money in the Bank: John Cena wins the briefcase
Summerslam: Brock vs. Shovel

After 7 months, he gets to headline Night of Champions, Hell in a Cell & Survivor Series. So in one whole year he headlined 4 out of a possible 12 PPVs.

Guess they decided 3 CM Punk headlined PPVs in a row was enough so we got another John Cena main event against the leader of #TeamAlpha

And then finally 434 days later, a year after not being good enough to close out the show at Royal Rumble, he gets to close out the show and drop the strap to the Rock.

So again when was Phillip spoiled?

Heard your question on review a Wai... It actually closed the show... You're a weird dude that question...
Cena closed out pretty much every PPV that Phil should've :x that's terrible man the main title should always close the show.
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