:rofl: :rofl: at ppl getting mad over the 9.99 thing. I personally think its hilarious. The shameless plugs are funny af

I don't get the hurt feelings over it..When Jericho or Ryback troll the WWE Universe, everyone loves it..But let Shoveluhhh and Stepheezy troll the Universe and the haters come out in full force..

I'm not getting a Sting shirt until it's $9.99..Or get if for free from my SS..
I wouldn't say people are mad, it's just pretty annoying. At least Jericho has charisma and Ryback is just a tool you can't hate, so they're ok :lol: I think Review-a-Wai was on point when they said that their constant trolling of the $9.99 thing just cheapens the product. I'm sure everyone who watches regularly already know how much it already costs, so why not explore other avenues of marketing to get new viewers to subscribe?

They should be airing commercials during football season about how Nitro was just added or something, but what do I know? At least, like case said, how about having a all t-shirts for $9.99 promo on the site or something? :lol:
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Orton RKO counters are a thing of beauty.
9.99 to everything yall saying lol

On the real it'll be funny if ROH started to troll ppl and make fun of WWE by shamelessly plugging their Ringside membership thing :lol:

A single payment of $59.99 :smokin
Srs question but where do yall watch other wrestling promotions at? Cuz I know Dailymotion has alot of random NJPW stuff including this years G1 but I kinda wanna watch full shows not just random matches
:rofl: @ Review A Wai on JCW Bloodymania 6

**** had me in tears :lol:

I may listen in a bit. The Raw one had me in tears, the pure boredom and frustration in their voices is just :lol: :rofl:
bruh get to it when u have a chance. Pollock had Wai rolling for like 3 min straight during the main event or the Steiner and Vader tag match segment. U know how nonchalant Wai is :lol:

they make me wanna watch this event just to see how bad it was. Pollock did give it a 4/10. Thought he was gonna rate it 0/10. I think he only did that once and that was for one of the later WCW ppvs

I'm reference to Carlito and Chris Masters "Could you imagine being in a stadium at Wrestlemania, then having to share a ring with Chris Weedman and Shockwave The Robot?" :rofl:

Ahhhhhh man they're describing Too Tough Tony's "pele kick" as a guy who slipped on a recently mopped floor :rofl: :rofl:
:lol: @ Tony's struggle moonsault.

"Imagine a moonsault without any rotation" :lol:

"Calito" attempting a figure 4 on Gowan :lol:
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Srs question but where do yall watch other wrestling promotions at? Cuz I know Dailymotion has alot of random NJPW stuff including this years G1 but I kinda wanna watch full shows not just random matches

Just YouTube and dailymotion for me :lol:
Damn Peep you let me down with that answer :frown:
I thought there was some kinda secret site or something :lol:
Cause I kinda wanna keep up on indy promotions but its damn near impossible lol
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