What was the point of all that just for a damn DQ? Someone could have won. Seriously.

Not only a DQ, but that whole send the fans home happy thing :lol:. I just noticed Reigns was wearing a top singlet instead of his regular vest as well. He'll be wearing attire similar to Orton come next Summerslam
Brody's Clay, Matt Striker, and Chris Hero in Daly City tomorrow for those interested.
2nd Annual NTWT Secret Santa Details

First off, last year was a huge success (no deadbeats and awesome gifts) and I hope this year is even better. We had somewhere around 30 participants last year, maybe this year we can shoot for 40 or so. Hopefully everyone that participated last year was happy with the way it turned out and comes back for a second year.

Rules: You must be an active member or alumnus (DSK, CLUB, GHIMS, Grizz, to name a few) of the NTWT or participate in the PPV prediction contests.

-You will have until Monday, October 6th to enter. I will give multiple weekly reminders in this thread over the next month.

-Once your entered, you will need to fill out a questionnaire. I still have everyone’s from last year, but a lot can change in a year so you can send me a new one OR I can use your one from last year. These will need to be sent to me by Monday, November 3rd.

-On Tuesday, November 4th, you will receive your elf (the person you’re buying for). This will give you the entire month of November to come up with something for your elf.

-All gifts should be sent out by Thursday, December 11th. This will allow two weeks for delivery before Christmas Day. I don’t think anyone wants to get their gifts AFTER Christmas.

If you agree to these rules and want to participate this year, just post in this thread or the following weeks threads and I will put you down on the list. Last year there were two separate lists. Everyone will be on one list this year.


Put me down. :pimp:
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