I've been watching the Nitros being that I was a pretty serious wwf kid back then, although my dad was huge nwa/wcw guy. So i went back to Fall Brawl 96 which was the night that Sting 'turned his back on WCW'. Basically the night he disappeared to become the Crow. So I am going to watch every Nitro and PPV in order to follow this storyline again, because as a kid I was too pissed my dad changed RAW to really care much ahha.

But first off, this Sting storyline has to be one of the best storylines ever written in wrestling. I am not saying the way it ended or played out is the greatest, but the idea of taking one of the top guys in the company and basically shelfing him for over a year is insane. They kept him relevant without him even speaking or wrestling one match which if you think of how complex and well thought out that had to be is crazy, especially since it was in WCW. Now I already know how it's going to end, but watching it transpire is fun and cool.

Another thing I've noticed which isn't hard to figure out is how annoying the nWo angle is already at this point in september only a few months after it started. Every match no matter who is in the ring the commentators non stop talk about the nWo. The luchas are in the ring and they are talking about nWo. This is also arounf the time of the nWo vs Randy Savage. Which could of been pure gold, but they made him join and ruin the whole storyline.

This privilege of being able to go back and watch this whole storyline in order from nitro to ppv is great and makes the Network so worth it. Not that i've ever complained about it once and never threatened to cancel my subscription. If anyone wants to join feel free and watch one of the best storylines in wrestling history.

Also a sidenote i couldn't imagine wwe current time ever investing the time in building a 15 month storyline up the way WCW did with this. I would love to see Vince mastermind something like this now, the payoff would be huge. Something WCW droped the ball on. sad. sorry for the ramble alittle lifted right now binge watching nitro haha that could get to anyones brain.
That Bork Fensar pic is mad creepy...

And 2k for a Paige tshrit? Man think of all the WWE Network would subscriptions he could have bought with all that 
I've been watching the Nitros

But first off, this Sting storyline has to be one of the best storylines ever written in wrestling. I am not saying the way it ended or played out is the greatest, but the idea of t

Another thing I've noticed which isn't hard to figure out is how annoying the nWo angle is already at this point in september only a few months after it started. Every match no matter who is in the ring the commentators non stop talk about the nWo.

This privilege of being able to go back and watch this whole storyline in order from nitro to ppv is great and makes the Network so worth it.
I just started last night since non of you dudes have accepted the request to watch them with me. I am on Episode 5 right now. Man, I still get chills during each Intro of that show. I feel like a child man. Making me remember running home from the court so I could catch Nitro on time. Good stuff.

I agree about the Sting Angle. It is wild that they let him "take a year off" to build him up. That took some balls man. I can't wait until I get to that point in my viewing. But patience is the key, you are right, we won't see that today. Well building D. Bryan up to the world title was patient now that I think about it.

Don't get me on the annoyance of the NWO. I didn't care for them back then. I understand their importance to the business now, but back then I hatedd that the only time they really talked about matches is when Mike Tenay basically made them. It was disrespectful as hell man.

That is why I am watching each Nitro from the start. This Pre-NWO WCW Nitro is a good watch.

And you are right, we don't know how lucky we are to be able to point and click our way to so much content. This was a brilliant idea man. The Network that is.
Watching the 4th episode of Nitro.

1. I am really liking this Luger/Macho Man angle. Funny conversation between the two.
Luger: I am tired of playing with little kids where are the big boys
Macho: There is no bigger boy than the Macho Man. I'm right here and all we are missing is the bell. DING DING!

2. I forgot that Pittbull Pittman did a damn E. Honda projective headbutt. LOL

3. Didn't think it was back then, but Taskmaster's Theme music was smooth man

4. Meng beat the hell out of Luger man

Next episode Eddy Guerrero vs. Dean Malenko. Oh yea.........

I love how they give you a small preview as to what you will see the following week.
How can anyone not be a fan of this guy??

DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican not sure if it's still up, but Sgt Craig Pittmen had a YouTube channel and was responding to loads of people's comments on vids of his matches, it was hilarious :lol:
I'd only pay that price if she wore them for a month straight and wrestled AJ in them.
At the time, Norman Smiley was obviously WCW's answer to Crash Holly, but I loved it :lol: comedy is fantastic when done right
Episode 98 of smackdown brought the lulz

Stone cold and Kurt angle's backstage segments with vince were pure comedy :lol:
Roman Reigns needs to stop doing that one arm Samoan Drop. He almost killed Harper on Smackdown.
Man what is up with their logic for uploading Smackdowns. No type of order at all. Killin me WWE.


Start of episode 5. Flair comes to the announce area and cuts a quick promo on Arn. Pepe is SO engaged on what Flair had to say, with his little trick glasses on. I was always intrigued by Pepe. I wonder if he is still living.
Man what is up with their logic for uploading Smackdowns. No type of order at all. Killin me WWE.


Start of episode 5. Flair comes to the announce area and cuts a quick promo on Arn. Pepe is SO engaged on what Flair had to say, with his little trick glasses on. I was always intrigued by Pepe. I wonder if he is still living.
Looking through the Smackdowns the other day I kinda got the same thing. But it seems they are focused on putting "important" episodes on first. Like Cena and Orton's debut matches. Major angles and stuff of that nature. They should just put them out in sequence. But how often does WWE act logically?
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