Wrestling Thread September 1st-3rd/ Weekend Edition/ Mae Young Classic Available Now First 4

banks going to bring another chip to the franchise
titus hella sweating LOL

Haven't watched the current product in about a month, but been keeping up with podcasts. Not sure If been brought up, but I was wondering if Baron Corbin's MITB contract could be cashed-in on the Universal Champion, not just the WWE Champion.

That way, Brock retains and stays in the company (since he's already booked after Summer Slam), but Corbin cashes in right after the match.
What up tho Peep?
On another note I know it has been mentioned but the lack of Pyro really weakens Brock's entrance impact. :frown: :smh:

That no pyro stuff is wack. AJ, Brock, Jericho and s couple others NEED pyro. If they didn't spend so much money on those lavish LED sets, they wouldn't have to cut pyro and Network shows
I don't even get that..I click on the "your media" button and nothing comes up..So does that mean all the pics and gifs I've posted on NT over the years is gone?..

ohhh that

Yea i see like a thousand broke image icons. No idea how that gets fixed
Highlights of Episode 08/15/2017

The bullies i mean cousins PRIMO and dat dude chris dat dude chris chastise the innocent humble stream host for his beliefs

Viewer discretion is advised :frown:::

Starts at 41:50

Had you hiding in the bathroom :smh:

Also why are you linking them to YOUR stream? 22stylez 22stylez come in here & show these ppl what quality looks like
Quit watching this jobbers channel.

If you want that brokeboy always dying stream sure.

But if you want that longmoney, stylezin', profilin', 4 seat ridin', cop callin', boat stealin', wheelin' n' dealin' son of a gun! Then you come to my stream! :smokin


Wanna also thank EA for flying me down to check out nba live. Stream is in my channel fellas. Some HILARIOUS stuff
Some hightlights from tonights shennighans

#1 F13 PART 9 >>>>>> F13 PART 4

Feat. dat dude chris dat dude chris and @sonoftony

#2 F13 PART 9 >>>>>> F13 PART 4


#3 F13 PART 9 >>>>>> F13 PART 4

Feat. 22stylez 22stylez , @3dgarfly23, @sonoftony, PRIMO's Flare Gun and the GOAT

Tomorrow's episode: Ric Flair Appreciation, and Special Guest Meangene45 Meangene45 will call in to talk about the Deadpool 2 and Tom Cruise movie stunt incidents.


This is interesting to listen to...a bunch of calls from around the time WCW died

:lol: @ the guy saying he doesn't like any Mexican or Japanese wrestlers and Mysterio didn't do anything but head scissors
We already got the broken alerts notifier and now they took away timestamps under the watched threads tab so I can figure out if something new has been posted or not without having to read every thread? Come on NT. Not liking these new overnight updates at all.

So I'm going to miss NXT + SummerSlam this weekend. Leaving for a cruise on Saturday for a week.
I hope the plan all along is for Jason Jordan to become a huge heel, or else this is gonna be a major flop at a face attempt :lol:

And put that title on Braun. There's no better time to do it then right now. Reigns doesn't need his 5th coronation. If not Braun, then Joe, but preferably Braun.
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