Wrestling Thread September 1st-3rd/ Weekend Edition/ Mae Young Classic Available Now First 4

What did you guys think of this season of thrones?

I liked parts of it but overall i think this season was poorly constructed
Piper Niven is such a bad-*** :pimp:

still don't know why wwe waited so long to release it and doing it all at once

What did you guys think of this season of thrones?

I liked parts of it but overall i think this season was poorly constructed

Pacing was off. I know they got to speed things up with the limited eps left, but they could've dived into more details for key parts.

Broken Brann Starky :lol:
Piper Niven is such a bad-*** :pimp:

still don't know why wwe waited so long to release it and doing it all at once

Pacing was off. I know they got to speed things up with the limited eps left, but they could've dived into more details for key parts.

Broken Brann Starky :lol:

I haven't watched the past 2 or 3 seasons I think. Does Kit get naked? I would watch it for that.

We'll work on that.

her finisher just needs too much set up for me to be believable at all. It is dope as hell to watch when performed well, but I just don't buy it as a finishing manuever with the time it takes to hit it. Cutter moves work because much like the RKO, it came very fast and seemingly out of anything. Moon's needs a "staggered" opponent to stand up within reach, plus she has to climb the turnbuckle and then perform it. Even Cena has failed trying to do a variation with the springboard stunner thing he botched all the time.

She has a ton of potential, her match with Asuka was the best I have seen her do, but her character is pretty bland unless she is just gonna go full weeb trash and run with that or some werewolf angle or something.
I think her character will develop over time. I like the whole Goddess of war thing and I think she'll become even more fierce with time. Kinda like how Asuka's character developed as she got more comfortable. As for her finish all I think about when she hits it is the back/hip surgery she's gonna need when she retires. :sick:
Even Cena has failed trying to do a variation with the springboard stunner thing he botched all the time.

ugh do not speak of that springboard stunner thing Cena was tinkering with for a while there, I'm so glad he forgot the button combination for that one.

Ember Moon still strikes me as someone with a thorough knowledge of crystals and their healing effects.
MMA fighters throwing punches in the squared circle is dumb. When I have seen you knock out trained killers but you can't knockout Pro wrestlers. If I was a MMA fighter that wants to do pro wrestling I wouldn't throw a face punch.
I wish AJ Styles still did the Stylin DDT, Kofi took it in the Y2AJ vs New Day match and it looked awesome
MMA fighters throwing punches in the squared circle is dumb. When I have seen you knock out trained killers but you can't knockout Pro wrestlers. If I was a MMA fighter that wants to do pro wrestling I wouldn't throw a face punch.

traditionally the closed fist is disallowed in the squared circle, and their use should be admonished by any competent referee. they should also be discouraged from the very beginning of training.

also, I believe that punches in wrestling aren't usually thrown with as much force to conserve energy for the continuous style many federations employ as opposed to other combat codes, which integrate regular water and rest breaks.

anyone who has ever thrown punches with intent knows how tiring full force shots can become, even on the giving end.

I also know a bit about crystals and their properties.....

hey, obviously takes one to know one, but that's one of the biggest takeaways I get from her persona and I'm not entirely sure that's what she wants.

it would be like someone looking at Seth Rollins and going "...so he's a rock aficionado who has played Metal Gear Solid before?"
traditionally the closed fist is disallowed in the squared circle, and their use should be admonished by any competent referee. they should also be discouraged from the very beginning of training.

also, I believe that punches in wrestling aren't usually thrown with as much force to conserve energy for the continuous style many federations employ as opposed to other combat codes, which integrate regular water and rest breaks.

anyone who has ever thrown punches with intent knows how tiring full force shots can become, even on the giving end.

hey, obviously takes one to know one, but that's one of the biggest takeaways I get from her persona and I'm not entirely sure that's what she wants.

it would be like someone looking at Seth Rollins and going "...so he's a rock aficionado who has played Metal Gear Solid before?"

See, when I see Ember I just think "she is a huge weeb and she is trying to hide it." As someone who only just recently re-embraced their weaboo personality and stopped giving a damn, I feel like is the thing keeping me from believing she is some warrior princess or whatever it is she is trying to go for. Either be a werewolf, be the crystal hippy chick, or embrace the inner weeb and try to out waifu Kairi and Asuka (which ain't gonna happen but still) it would at least be believable to me at that point.
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