WWE Night of Champions PPV 9/15 | Prediction Contest Open! | Orton v Bryan | Punk v AXEL/Heyman

SCSA returning to save team WWF during Invasion not making the top 10
I remember watching it at that time, and jumping in the air and yelling when Austin smashed that pool stick over that table and left in his truck to save them. Everything was set up perfectly, from all the Alliance dudes just washing the WWF guys in every part of the arena until Austin showed up and everybody regrouped. In retrospect/long-term, Invasion was a disaster, but in the moment there were actually a lot of enjoyable things.
this. invasion was my favorite era (started watching wrestling towards the end of the attitude era

speaking of invasion, if anyone has not already, please subscribe to this youtube channel. it has 95% of the 2000-2002 RAW/SD!/PPV episodes. great memories


also his 2nd channel seems to have episodes from 97-99', and 2002
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Since there's a Tag Team Turmoil on the kickoff to Night of Champions tomorrow, here's some past tag turmoil matches, which may or may not put things in perspective

From Summerslam 99 (New Brood vs Edge & Christian vs Mideon & Viscera vs The Hollys vs The Acolytes vs Prince Albert and Droz)

From Judgment Day 01 (Chris Benoit & Chris Jericho vs The APA vs The Radicalz vs The Dudley Boyz vs Edge & Christian vs The Hardy Boyz vs X-Factor vs The Hollys)

From Backlash 2005 (Tajiri and William Regal (c) vs Hurricane & Rosey vs The Heart Throbs (Antonio and Romeo) vs Simon Dean and Maven vs La Résistance (Robert Conway and Sylvain Grenier)

Let me know if the quality is bad from any of the vids, and if so I'll find some others. Will try to find some older multi-tag team matches too, cause i know there were plenty from early 90's, but the WWE is fast to kill the links on the older stuff like that

And for some more perspective

The Headbangers vs Jobber Hardyz (Raw 97)

The Headbangers vs The Hardyz (Heat 2000)

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Speaking of dubya see dubya, I'm still dumbfounded as to how they completely ruined that Sting vs. nWo angle. All they had to do was let Sting go over clean on Hogan at Starrcade. That's it! the build was top notch, the payoff left so much to be desired.
Speaking of dubya see dubya, I'm still dumbfounded as to how they completely ruined that Sting vs. nWo angle. All they had to do was let Sting go over clean on Hogan at Starrcade. That's it! the build was top notch, the payoff left so much to be desired.

I was watching that match last week. The buildup was so damn good, one of WCWs best works until the match ended. It all went downhill during Stings entrance and they botched the music
That was RD Evans last night on SD. He manages QT Marshall in ROH. He's a pretty good talker.

It's only a matter of time til Sunny starts suckin and ****** for money.
Just dawned on me that it will probably be Sheamus who comes back to stand up to RyBack and his bullying.
The Dean Ambrose vs. Dolph Ziggler match for Ziggler’s WWE United States Championship has officially been added to Sunday’s WWE Night Of Champions pay-per-view. The match had been rumored for a while, but is now official for this Sunday.

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