WWE Night of Champions PPV 9/15 | Prediction Contest Open! | Orton v Bryan | Punk v AXEL/Heyman

Hmmmmm...that actually may have...but who did the Usos team with if so? Usos are like 2-5 against the Shield though, whether it was 6 man or regular tag team
Hmmmmm...that actually may have...but who did the Usos team with if so? Usos are like 2-5 against the Shield though, whether it was 6 man or regular tag team
Honestly I can't remember.

I wanna say it was Mizark.
No one else gonna comment besides PLVN about the Fischer/D-Bry comparison pic?!

Uncanny similarity.
Survey done and I'm shootin for a top 30..Not watching the PPV tonight..It just seems like all the matches are irrelevant and everybody knows that Orton isn't losing, so whats the point of paying 50 bucks to watch it..
Just did the survey. Hoping aj retains. Very curious as to who is the next Paul heyman guy. I'm seeing a big show turn tonight. Won't be watching tonight though. Ill be rooting for my niners tonight.
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Survey done. Some of these I went with who I wanted to win instead of what the WWE would do. 4w on that Will Big Show... question, you should've had 'cry' as one of the answer choices.
pretty sure 3MB could cover better than the Eagles' secondary.

I want to be entertained. All in for NOC tonight.
I'm really not sure what is going to happen in tonight's main event but I am shocked how 1 sided the prediction contest is.
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