WWE Night of Champions PPV 9/15 | Prediction Contest Open! | Orton v Bryan | Punk v AXEL/Heyman

Still not gonna way the PPV over Breaking Bad

Whatever happens with the match on Sunday, the outcome will not be good for Ziggler. If he wins clean, he carries a title that virtually means nothing. But then again, the alternative is for him to carry the WHC, which virtually means nothing.

The product is such a mess right now and has been for the last few years man
Ziggler's not winning. Shield aren't losing any momentum during this whole Corporate vs. D-Bry angle.
Being a big boxing guy Christian reminds me of Floyd. So damn good and smooth people don't truly appreciate his game.
Was at an engagement party here in Detroit... at the same hotel the wrestlers usually stay at.

Went across the street to watch the Mayweather/Canelo fight and Booker T was there. I asked if he could take a picture, but he said "not right now man", he was drunk haha. He's a big Mayweather fan.

Also saw Michael Cole in the lobby and Natalya as she was entering the hotel

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Was at an engagement party here in Detroit... at the same hotel the wrestlers usually stay at.

Went across the street to watch the Mayweather/Canelo fight and Booker T was there. I asked if he could take a picture, but he said "not right now man", he was drunk haha. He's a big Mayweather fan.

Also saw Michael Cole in the lobby and Natalya as she was entering the hotel

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why are they in the D?
what happen to Big E langston?

He washed R-Truth on this week's Main Event, and even though I was only halfway listening, based on the commentary, Big E is officially on his own now without AJ. I really haven't noticed whether or not they've been together the past couple weeks.
wow ive been so far off wrestling that i did not know reid flair died 5 months ago.... mind blown

i still remember him in wcw as a kid...

must suck for flair. bet hes thinking how richie valens mom felt in la bamba... i t s hould have been you david lol
NT WWE Night of Champions PPV Prediction Contest
  • You may only enter once
  • Once you submit your entry, it cannot be chanced/updated
  • 500 total possible points
  • Preshow Kickoff show does not count towards any questions
  • Contest closes at 8pm et tonight
  • Good luck!
I've been the zack ryder of prediction contest. killed it for year, now i'm bottom tier #jobber
Survey done. Some of these I went with who I wanted to win instead of what the WWE would do. 4w on that Will Big Show... question, you should've had 'cry' as one of the answer choices.

As for the divas match, it's either gonna be Brie winning to complete the Bella's takeover on the top stars, or Nattie winning to finally give her some due, and to have a built in story for upcoming Total Divas episodes
Survey done.

Need to redeem myself after dropping to 2nd on the overall leaderboard.

Thinking about it, didn't The Usos earn a title shot a couple of months ago? Did they get their title match already, I don't remember?
Survey done.

Need to redeem myself after dropping to 2nd on the overall leaderboard.

Thinking about it, didn't The Usos earn a title shot a couple of months ago? Did they get their title match already, I don't remember?

They lost to The Shield in a fantastic match on a preshow that should've been on the main card. I think it was that PPV where Cena faced Mark Henry and Kaitlyn faced AJ.
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