WWE No Way Out PPV - Cena v Big Show Steel Cage, Punk v Bryan v Kane, Ziggler v Sheamus p28

HHH's promo could have been much better, he should have gone for the jugular, and I would have liked to see Brock interrupt, or at least Heyman.

HHH with the 3 words and emphasizing "Fight" got annoying very quick.

Hopefully a stipulation is added to the match, and I hope Brock wins. It'll be really dumb to have Brock lose again.
Originally Posted by theDEEK

Originally Posted by Rusty Shackelford

Originally Posted by theDEEK

Once you replace Fight with another F word, this promo because very very different.







Makes sense since your mother makes you clean your mouth with soap when you say the word I was talking about smalls
So original
When beth pins the girls like that and sits on their faces

Layla coppin a feel on beth in that pin
Layla really needs a new theme.

They should give her Wade's current one.

Kane stay getting bamboozled by WWE  wimminz.

Big Red Sucka for Love.
Okay...What the hell are they taking this whole Kane and AJ making out thing...it's really out of left field and doesn't make sense.

Obviously...that means we will never get an answer for it....Kane bending all the way down to kiss AJ that had to hurt his back...curious to see where this goes.
Kane shoulda AJ when I win tonight I ll show you a whole new meaning to word crazy. Then just start to laugh all crazy...

Awesome it's time, it's time is Sin Cara botch time time time....
Get rid of these stupid @%***$$ lights for Sin Cara's matches.
will cm punk ever be a main eventer while holding the belt..... cena rock, cena big show, cena brock, cena johnny have closed all the shows...smh
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