WWE Over The Limit PPV 5/18 8pm et- PUNK V BRYAN. Cena v Laurinaitis, Sheamus/Orton/Del Rio/Jericho

Originally Posted by gunnascott

Jerichos gotta win this....he could re energize smackdown and his career with a 2 month reign

I think Jericho is leaving after this match, or at least very soon afterwards.
goddamnit this ppv seems stale.

i don't know if it was just the awful build up or the awful main event but i haven't been this uninterested in a PPV since Capitol Punishment '11.

I'm on ebay ordering an OG season 1 megazord for myself son. While OTL plays in the back round.
Originally Posted by 6 rings MJ

Hate fatal 4 way matches.. its always 2 wrestlers in the ring.. two outside the ring..

Lazy booking.
They aren't creative enough for more than 1  3-4 person spot.

So they have these dudes selling a throw out of the ring for 5 minutes.

Go figure, Sheamus wins. 

edit: Yo, how many f'ing finishers does Sheamus need?
Originally Posted by brasilianmami

goddamnit this ppv seems stale.

i don't know if it was just the awful build up or the awful main event but i haven't been this uninterested in a PPV since Capitol Punishment '11.

I'm on ebay ordering an OG season 1 megazord for myself son. While OTL plays in the back round.

The latter part reminds me of when I have a pandora going while Raw is on
Originally Posted by 6 rings MJ

Hate fatal 4 way matches.. its always 2 wrestlers in the ring.. two outside the ring..

Completely agree.  Guys just voluntarily roll out of the ring and disappear for 5 minutes.
Seems like a very quiet response for Sheamus after winning the match.  Debuting a new finisher on PPV (or at least a move he doesn't use often) isn't a very good way to get a crowd into the finish.  Especially after so many near falls with everyone else's finishers.
Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

great match minus end
You don't like the "I'll do my finisher, then you do your finisher on me, then he'll do his finisher on you, ect" finish?
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