WWE Over The Limit PPV 5/18 8pm et- PUNK V BRYAN. Cena v Laurinaitis, Sheamus/Orton/Del Rio/Jericho

Please don't be a screwjob finish. Please don't be a screwjob finish. Please don't be a screwjob finish. Please don't be a screwjob finish. Please don't be a screwjob finish. Please don't be a screwjob finish. Please don't be a screwjob finish. Please don't be a screwjob finish. Please don't be a screwjob finish. Please don't be a screwjob finish. Please don't be a screwjob finish.
Who won the World Heavyweight match?
edit: Fitting Punk has his best elbow drop ever in this match.
Originally Posted by gunnascott

I need these 2 to have an Ironman match at Summerslam AJ special guest ref

next ironman match we may see is on the 1,000th raw/ first 3 hour show.

ziggler has already issued a challenge to anyone.
Originally Posted by hymen man

Who won the World Heavyweight match?
edit: Fitting Punk has his best elbow drop ever in this match.

sheamus pinned y2j

perfect elbow drop = macho man tribute
+*#+$%# awesome match and such a clever finisher.
HHH/Taker was awesome.  This was a completely different kind of match so it's hard to compare, but this is my match of the year from WWE so far.  Freaking awesome.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Please don't be a screwjob finish. Please don't be a screwjob finish. Please don't be a screwjob finish. Please don't be a screwjob finish. Please don't be a screwjob finish. Please don't be a screwjob finish. Please don't be a screwjob finish. Please don't be a screwjob finish. Please don't be a screwjob finish. Please don't be a screwjob finish. Please don't be a screwjob finish.

Of course..
This feud needs a good build and like a 4 month run. Would be AWESOME seeing these guys put on this type of match a few more times this year. Two of the best!
Interesting you guys didn't seem to like the finish.  I thought it was really smart.  Great counter by Punk.
ANOTHER MATCH?!?!?!?!?  1 person picked 9 matches in the contest.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

+*#+$%# awesome match and such a clever finisher.
HHH/Taker was awesome.  This was a completely different kind of match so it's hard to compare, but this is my match of the year from WWE so far.  Freaking awesome.

I loved this match, but HHH/Taker is tops for me still.  This was a GREAT match but the emotion/story leading to the HHH/Taker match was great.  
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