why does everyone talk like there isnt 4 months of television to fill up, including Survivor Series?

Money says Brocks wrestles a match in November, hell maybe even against 'Taker.
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decent PPV with no real standout matches

That's about what I would rate it. Nothing great but all the matches were solid.

I don't care for the ADR/Sheamus feud and wanted Swagberto to go over but I thought their match was pretty damn good and LOVED the finish.

LOL @ Fred Durst being escorted out of the arena for the middle finger.
This sets up more of an opportunity to see Brock/Taker at mania then Brock/Rocky. Taker and Brock both beat HHH. Just sets a stone. Not a big one but still.
The tentative plan since before Brock even signed w/ WWE has been to match him up with Taker. You and I both know Vince changes his mind every day about things but if Taker wants Brock, he'll get him.
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why does everyone talk like there isnt 4 months of television to fill up, including Survivor Series?

Money says Brocks wrestles a match in November, hell maybe even against 'Taker.

Yeah, that's why i'm thinking Taker comes out and they maybe have a match at Survivor Series since I remember someone said that the plan is to have Taker wrestle a match then.
They could even have the match at Hell In A Cell.
Oh I know that about the plan. I was just referring to this Brock/rock talk. Dumb payoff to have the rock ( who will be champ then) either win or lose to him at mania when both will be gone then. I do not see Brock coming back after mania. I think there is no one to put him up against unless they REALLY want to push someone.

He is a novelty act. Even the taker streak matches have become novelty too.
Oh I know that about the plan. I was just referring to this Brock/rock talk. Dumb payoff to have the rock ( who will be champ then) either win or lose to him at mania when both will be gone then. I do not see Brock coming back after mania. I think there is no one to put him up against unless they REALLY want to push someone.
He is a novelty act. Even the taker streak matches have become novelty too.

why does everyone talk like there isnt 4 months of television to fill up, including Survivor Series?

Money says Brocks wrestles a match in November, hell maybe even against 'Taker.
Yeah, that's why i'm thinking Taker comes out and they maybe have a match at Survivor Series since I remember someone said that the plan is to have Taker wrestle a match then.
They could even have the match at Hell In A Cell.
I'm 99% confident that Brock/Taker will happen at Mania and Taker won't wrestle before then.  The 1% being at Survivor Series.  No way Taker wrestles on a B Show PPV.
^:lol Lesnar pic looks like a worn out "Not sure is serious" meme

The Cena/Shw/Punk match was a little over 14 minutes. I think I picked that it would be 22-24 minutes. This is probably one of the worst contests I've done :lol
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I'm 99% confident that Brock/Taker will happen at Mania and Taker won't wrestle before then.  The 1% being at Survivor Series.  No way Taker wrestles on a B Show PPV.

Since When Survivor Series is considered a B Show?!?!?!?

Its going on 25 years strong.................

Anyway tally up my points so I can claim this #1 spot AGAIIIN!!!!!!!!!!!
I only caught glimpses of some matches in the last hour. Will check out SS in its entirety when it hits YT. Ending was weaksauce.
I enjoyed SummerSlam last night, took a nap when that fat chick started performing that awful song, really only low point of the evening.
Fred Durst:

“I was leaving to beat the traffic! Haha, security escorting me out?? WWE is family. hahaha. Is this really a rumor? Amazing. My boys at WWE are cracking up! Note- never leave early to beat traffic!”

kill yourself Fred :lol
Didnt watch but from what I hear , there was no title changes. Any rumors of when Ziggler is supposed to cash in?
Didnt watch but from what I hear , there was no title changes. Any rumors of when Ziggler is supposed to cash in?
I thought he was last night, especially the way the announcers were building up his MITB win and then he lost clean in the opener.

But now it looks like we're getting another month of Sheamus v Del Rio, so it's going to be a bit longer.  WWE loves Sheamus and I don't think they want to take the belt off him.
Fred Durst:
“I was leaving to beat the traffic! Haha, security escorting me out?? WWE is family. hahaha. Is this really a rumor? Amazing. My boys at WWE are cracking up! Note- never leave early to beat traffic!”
kill yourself Fred :lol

Ziggler def is gonna hold it for awhile because they won't take the strap off Punk or Sheamus anytime soon, but they want him to remain relevant.
It's probably a good thing the keep the titles on Sheamus (:rolleyes) and Punk, so they can actually build Ziggler with the MITB, or else we'd get another Jack Swagger reign where he's putting on good matches but losing every one of them.

Did this Summerslam actually feel bigtime to anybody? Just seemed underwhelming to me. I'd give it a 6.5-7/10, but that's not really what you want from 1 of your major PPVs.
Feel a bit dissappointed with the show, it was pretty average and forgettable, and the crowd was terrible.

Dolph/Y2J was good, but I was expecting a little more. Miz/Rey and Bryan/Kane were both fine, and I didn't even mind Sheamus/ADR with that dodgy finish. The tag match was decent and the WWE title match was mostly fine. Very disappointed with Brock/HHH though, it was so boring and I don't know if that was because of the pseudo-MMA crap or because the crowd had left the building :|

Brock/Cena was 50 times better. I hope Brock gets back into a wrestling gimmick for his next matches.

Overall a 5 or 6/10, MOTN was probably Dolph/Y2J. If the main events had been something special then this would have been a great PPV.

EDIT: Also it was a good move to have Y2J win, gives him a little credibility back. It's obviously gonna lead to a re-match tonight in which Dolph destroys Jericho or a backstage segment where he destroys him.
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