WWE Survivor Series PPV 11/22 - Cena vs HHH vs HBK | Undertaker vs Jericho vs Big Show (p11)

Christian hit the Killswitch on Orton, but Punk broke up the cover. Christian went after Punk. He missed in the corner. When he bounced out, Orton was thereto hit the RKO.

Orton and Punk vs Kofi.

Orton just tagged out.

Michael Cole does such an awful job of trying to tell the story of the match.

Punk and Kofi have been going one on one for about 10 minutes.

Kofi rolled up Punk to eliminate him. Orton ran in and immediately got caught with the Trouble in Paradise to eliminate Orton.

Good booking. Kofi is getting a star reaction.
Originally Posted by DSK aka iLLoQuent

I think Kofi will win tonight. They're serious about that push and he should come out on top today (probably as the only one left on his team since the other guys are just there to be there).


WWE finally doing the right thing and pushing a few of the younger guys the right way...
Dfly probably crying tears of joy right now with Team Blackdown's victory.
lol, I'll only cry if Kofi/MVP/Mizark/Shelton actually becomes world champion one day. I've been waiting for that since King Bookah.
I love Taker's entrance, and it always hypes me up, but I'm positive that I can get in a game of team deathmatch while he's coming to the ring.
Originally Posted by DSK aka iLLoQuent

There's the injury angle...

And Mo, y'all are loud as #+%$.

Foolish WWE...this was the worst place to book that match if they wanted to get Batista over as a heel.

We gotta be loud man. We haven't had a big PPV in mad long. We deserve another Mania. My seats are pretty good and the dude in front of me is a clown. Igot a video of him doing the thunderclap. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna end up fighting him before this is over. I already said something to him. Look forthat fight in the lower levels. I'm posting it when I get home. Grizz... I love you too man.
Jericho had Taker in the Walls. Show came in and chokeslammed Jericho. So no allegiances here.
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