WWE Survivor Series PPV 11/22 - Cena vs HHH vs HBK | Undertaker vs Jericho vs Big Show (p11)

Originally Posted by MoMoney848

Originally Posted by DSK aka iLLoQuent

There's the injury angle...

And Mo, y'all are loud as #+%$.

Foolish WWE...this was the worst place to book that match if they wanted to get Batista over as a heel.

We gotta be loud man. We haven't had a big PPV in mad long. We deserve another Mania. My seats are pretty good and the dude in front of me is a clown. I got a video of him doing the thunderclap. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna end up fighting him before this is over. I already said something to him. Look for that fight in the lower levels. I'm posting it when I get home. Grizz... I love you too man.

What is He doing?
This was a well booked match. A lot going on at the end...

Jericho hit Big Show with the belt. He went to hit Taker, but Taker hit him with the boot.

Taker had Jericho up for the Tombstone, but Show hit Taker with the knockout punch.

Jericho went for the Code Breaker on Show, but Show threw him off and then hit the Knockout Punch on Jericho.

Finish saw Big Show go for the chokeslam, but Taker dropped to the ground and lock in Hells Gate to get the tap out from Show.

Taker retains.

Someone explain to me how Taker is going to wrestle in a TLC match.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Someone explain to me how Taker is going to wrestle in a TLC match.
I hadn't thought about that...the match is gonna be 2 minutes and 4 seconds short or Taker is gonna go all out and not be seen for 2 months.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by MoMoney848

Originally Posted by DSK aka iLLoQuent

There's the injury angle...

And Mo, y'all are loud as #+%$.

Foolish WWE...this was the worst place to book that match if they wanted to get Batista over as a heel.

We gotta be loud man. We haven't had a big PPV in mad long. We deserve another Mania. My seats are pretty good and the dude in front of me is a clown. I got a video of him doing the thunderclap. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna end up fighting him before this is over. I already said something to him. Look for that fight in the lower levels. I'm posting it when I get home. Grizz... I love you too man.

What is He doing?

Just being mad annoying. He keeps saying lame stuff and getting in my way when I take pictures. In other news, I'm tempted to kidnap Layla
Originally Posted by MoMoney848

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by MoMoney848

Originally Posted by DSK aka iLLoQuent

There's the injury angle...

And Mo, y'all are loud as #+%$.

Foolish WWE...this was the worst place to book that match if they wanted to get Batista over as a heel.

We gotta be loud man. We haven't had a big PPV in mad long. We deserve another Mania. My seats are pretty good and the dude in front of me is a clown. I got a video of him doing the thunderclap. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna end up fighting him before this is over. I already said something to him. Look for that fight in the lower levels. I'm posting it when I get home. Grizz... I love you too man.

What is He doing?

Just being mad annoying. He keeps saying lame stuff and getting in my way when I take pictures. In other news, I'm tempted to kidnap Layla

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