WWE Survivor Series PPV 11/22 - Cena vs HHH vs HBK | Undertaker vs Jericho vs Big Show (p11)

Originally Posted by DSK aka iLLoQuent

Captain Charisma, good to see you postin' in here again.
I feel you DSK, and thank you, like I said I did check the thread often, but it's been an absolute crazy past year for me. Thankfully thingsare getting back to normal and I can focus on "the little things" again. Plus, I just bought my Wrestlemania XXVI tickets so I really want to getback into the swing of things from now until then.

Speaking of Wrestlemaina XXVI, if this Undertaker/Cena program is a go, I actually would really like this. Granted, it would not be a Kurt Angle vs. ShawnMichaels classic 'wrestling wise,' but this match could have an absolutely insane atmosphere, perhaps not Rock v. Hogan or RVD v. Cena status, but Iseriously believe University of Phoenix Stadium would be amped for this match. It is a BIG TIME match with BIG TIME names. Perfect for Wrestlemania. If thebuild up is done correctly it would be a very fun match to watch.
I feel the complete opposite...I just don't really care for either anymore at this point.
The Rock pretty much confirming a WWE Return and big project with the company(credit goes to Mister916 for the post):

WWE Hall of Famer and Hollywood heavyweight Dwayne "The Rock" Dwayne Johnson says he's working with WWE on a special television project that would be in addition to guest-hosting a future episode of WWE Raw. During a Thursday morning radio appearance on the syndicated Jack Diamond Morning Show, Johnson was vague on the details but hinted that the project will be significant.

"I love that world and being able to entertain, especially if I could go back whether it's on Smackdown and do a promo or guest-host or we could create this cool show, whatever that may be," Johnson said. "Especially now, I'm at the point where I can go back and give back to the fans and help out the guys in any way I can."

Johnson said he and Vince McMahon have a great relationship and he's looking forward to working with WWE again in the future. "Right now we're trying to put together - there is always something cool and interesting for me to do. I would like to do something more than just host the show," Johnson said. "I'm in the process of creating something really cool for the fans - something very special and unique. It will be something like one big entertaining show."
..No reaction for that?

Also, SD Spoilers for tomorrow(if some haven't read them yet and want to read them)

Spoiler [+]
Batista def. Matt Hardy.

Main event for tonight is Kane & Undertaker vs. JeriShow.

Backstage segment - Teddy Long talks with Vickie Guerrero & Eric Escobar about the main event. Vickie says he's crazy for reuniting the Brothers of Destruction. Teddy tells her it was Vince's idea, not his. Vince enters & tells Teddy he's still on probation, but he is appointing Vickie as his consultant. Vickie starts screaming & dancing from excitement.

Drew McIntyre def. Finlay.

CM Punk is on his way to the ring. Punk comes out and tells everyone he is staging a straight edge intervention. In the ring is a table with 3 buckets, under each bucket there is a different item - cigarettes, prescription pills & a bottle of whiskey. He goes thought each one explaining why it's bad for you & dumps each item into a trash can. R Truth comes out & tells Punk he thinks he's better than everyone. He attacks Punk and dumps the trash can over him, leaving Punk covered in cigarettes, pills & liquor.

Best 2 out of 3 falls match for the IC Title - Morrison gets the first pin, Ziggler gets the second pin, Morrison gets the third pin to retain the title.

Backstage Josh Matthews interviews Batista. He says he will make Rey suffer at the PPV.

Mickie James def Layla. After the match Layla tells Mickie to look at the tron, a video of Michelle McCool dressed like a farmer calling Mickie "Piggy James". She sings Old McDonald while a picture of a pig with Mickie's face on it appears. The video ends with another pig with Mickie's face on it on a Looney Tunes background with "That's all folks!" written on it. Mickie is shown crying in the ring & walks off.

Batista comes out for commentary on the next match. Tyson Kidd def Rey Mysterio after Batista hit Kidd to get Rey disqualified. Batista goes after Rey but he kicks Batista & runs off.

Backstage segment with Jerishow talking about the main tonight, how they need to work together or they might not make it to the ppv. Big Show accuses Jericho of being scared of the Undertaker. Big Show walks off & the lights go off, Jericho freaks out & Show turns them back on, telling Jericho he just proved his point.

Main event - Jerishow vs. Taker and Kane ended in a no contest, end of show.

Impact tonight on Spike:
*Machine Guns & Beer Money vs. British Invasion & Sheik Abdul Bashir & Kiyoshi
*Amazing Red vs. Scott Steiner
*Taylor Wilde vs. Hamada
*Mick Foley (who doesn't wrestle) & Abyss vs. Raven & Dr. Stevie
*A.J. Styles & Kurt Angle vs. Desmond Wolfe & Daniels
WWE about to scoop up more ROH Talent

Mark and Jay Briscoe had an informal tryout at last night's WWE Smackdown/ECW tapings in Philadelphia.

Both men are under contract to ROH, but were given permission to do the tryout as when WWE extended the invitation.

Becky Bayless, who has worked for both ROH and SHIMMER, also had a tryout at last night's Smackdown/ECW tapings.

Won't like half of their moves be restricted though?
Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

WWE about to scoop up more ROH Talent

Mark and Jay Briscoe had an informal tryout at last night's WWE Smackdown/ECW tapings in Philadelphia.

Both men are under contract to ROH, but were given permission to do the tryout as when WWE extended the invitation.

Becky Bayless, who has worked for both ROH and SHIMMER, also had a tryout at last night's Smackdown/ECW tapings.

Won't like half of their moves be restricted though?

Like most people brought to the E they will be miss used.
Man I hope they keep kurt face for now.
I don't mind him being a heel, but this would be too fast of a transition...

And jesse neal, I still can't take you serious, your hair is ridiculous.
Still no reaction about the Rock news from NT yet?

This is being discussed on alot of wrestling forums right now..
^ I won't talk rock because I know it won't be how it ever was before and if vince is involved..

well then I could care less.
^ Had it on but only Mickey/Layla really kept my attention. Punk's promo was pretty good.

@ how they doing Teddy
Jericho arguing with an old man after this week'sECW/SD taping. Haha, he references the glowstick incident..


Tonight the WWE presents the 23rd annual Survivor Series PPV. The show is starting soon, so I will be brief. On paper, this looks to be a pretty good show. However, the build for this show, particularly the two main events, has been inexplicably poor. With so many PPVs on the WWE schedule, and the fact that UFC106 was last night, I don't think this year's Survivor Series will do particularly strong business.


Team Mickie - Mickie James (c), Eve, Kelly Kelly, Melina, Gail Kim vs Team McCool - Michelle McCool (c), Jillian Hall, Beth Phoenix, Layla, Alicia Fox

The WWE put on an absolutely disgusting angle on this past week's Smackdown where they called Mickie James a pig and insulted her weight. She was cryingin the ring, and I believe those tears were sincere. It's disgusting that just because Mickie doesn't look like the traditional WWE Diva stick figurethat the WWE considers her fat. Unless Mickie is on punishment for her "weight issues" her team should go over here. Melina is the champ, Mickie isthe most over diva, and Kelly always seems to be getting push. As long as the match is kept relatively short, it should be fine.

Prediction: Team Mickie


Team Morrison - John Morrison (c), Shelton Benjamin, Evan Bourne, Matt Hardy, Finlay vs Team Miz - The Miz (c), Jack Swagger, Sheamus, Drew McIntyre, DolphZiggler

This match is a little confusing because it doesn't seem like many of these guys have connections. The Miz and Morrison used to be partners, but they areno longer on the same show. Ziggler has had a long running on-again off-again feud with Morrison that never really took off because Ziggler never got putover. Benjamin and Sheamus were feuding a month ago, but then Sheamus got moved to Raw. Swagger and Bourne get thrown together a few times every few months. Is Drew McIntyre feuding with Matt Hardy? And how does Finlay fit in? The heels should go over here. All of them are in the process of being pushed. Thefaces except for Morrison all don't seem to have anything planned for them.

Prediction: Team Miz


Team Kofi - Kofi Kingston (c), Mark Henry, MVP, Christian, R-Truth vs Team Orton - Randy Orton (c), William Regal, Ted Dibiase, Cody Rhodes, CM Punk

This match has had the single best build of anything in ages for the WWE. For whatever reason, the WWE has seen the light and actually decided to push one oftheir young talents. Kofi Kingston went from a goofy Jamaican gimmick to a legit baby face star in a matter of a month. He dropped the accent and was given apurpose. This past Monday's angle at MSG where Kofi and Orton had a pull apart brawl through the crowd that culminated with Kofi putting Orton through atable was absolutely electric and made Kofi into a legitimate star. I am PRAYING that this all wasn't done for the purpose of this single match and willsubsequently be flushed down the toilet. Kofi had the biggest face pop on Raw. It probably made a few certain egomaniacs a little insecure, but we just haveto hope the push doesn't stop. Kofi needs to win this match. If Kofi gets pinned cleanly, I will literally throw my hands up in disgust. It will beinteresting though because a few guys should be protected in this match... Punk, Dibiase, and Christian. So we'll see what they do with them. Henry, MVP,Truth, Regal, and Rhodes, I don't really care.

Prediction: Team Kofi


Batista vs Rey Mysterio Jr.

This feud started off at Bragging Rights in a little bit of a silly angle where Rey was literally crying for Batista to stop. However, it has become a prettygood program. However, Mysterio is once again hampered by a knee injury that will likely need surgery in the very near future. Batista still sucks, but atleast his character is much fresher as a heel. Smackdown doesn't have many heel title challengers right now, so I have to think Batista goes over here,especially if Mysterio will be taking time off.

Prediction: Batista


The Undertaker (c) vs The Big Show vs Chris Jericho - World Championship Triple Threat Match

I've made my point very clear that I am very against The Undertaker as champion. Not because I don't like him or appreciate what he does, but he doesnot need the title and it is literally becoming painful to watch him move around in the ring. He's wrestled two big matches in the past week, so his bodyis probably aching at this point. I don't see any way that The Big Show wins the title here. Jericho winning the title would be great in my book, butwith the elevated importance they have put on the tag titles, I don't see it happening. As I said about Batista, reports seem to be that The Undertaker vsBatista will be the next title program. Any match with Jericho is a good match, so this should deliver. I wouldn't be surprised to see more tensionteased between Show and Jericho because they've been going that way for months.

Prediction: The Undertaker


John Cena (c) vs Triple H vs Shawn Michaels - WWE Championship Match

Minus a goofy promo from Cena on Monday, the build for this match has been absolutely putrid. I don't know if the WWE thinks they can sell this match onthe names alone, but when the same matches happen over and over and over, you need to make some type of compelling storyline to go along with the match. Theextent of DX's comments about this match is that they want the gold and don't care who wins it. That's great. They spent 30 seconds on Rawplugging this match and literally about 5 minutes plugging their crappy merchandise. Good to see their priorities are straight. DX needs to come to an end,just like Cena needs a heel turn, but I don't see either happening for the simple fact that they move too much merchandise. The match should be good. Iwould be shocked if Michaels won. HHH is always in the title picture, but I think Cena retains here. I just don't see any reason to take the title offCena unless HHH decides he wants it. It would be really nice to have a champion hold the belt for more than 30 days.

Prediction: John Cena

Depending on how they book the elimination matches, I think it should be a good show. See you guys in less than an hour.
Come on, Vince. Why couldn't you put Shelton on Team Kofi so Blackdown could have taken place tonight? I'm a big Christian mark, but the ball has beendropped on that one. And CM Punk does not belong on Orton's team considering how Orton screwed him over last year. WWE throws continuity out the windowonce again because their target audience has an attention span of less than ten minutes.

I will try to watch this PPV in its entirety tonight, which is something that I haven't done in months. I will probably end up getting bored and boot upModern Warfare 2, though.
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