WWE Survivor Series PPV 11/22 - Cena vs HHH vs HBK | Undertaker vs Jericho vs Big Show (p11)

There's the injury angle...

And Mo, y'all are loud as #+%$.

Foolish WWE...this was the worst place to book that match if they wanted to get Batista over as a heel.
^With Sopcast you download the program and use the channel link to open it up. Doesn't matter now, because the channel went down.

Christian is the Owen Hart of this team. Enough is enough, and it's time for a change! Let's go Blackdown.
Christian eliminated Dibiase with a rollup which was surprising.

MVP eliminated Regal with a Yakuza Kick.

3 on 3. Rhodes, Punk, Orton vs MVP, Christian, Kofi.

I missed it, but both Rhodes and Christian are now gone. This final 4 should be interesting.
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