WWE WrestleMania XXVI 3.28 7PM | Taker vs HBK, Hart vs McMahon, Batista vs Cena, Jericho vs Edge

@ Vince's wailing.
This should have went 8 minutes left and givin Omega H and Sheamus more time and Punk and Rey more time.
stop teasing the sharpshooter and end this already dammit

half this time should have gone to the punk/rey match
I need a stream now!! My area has an outage, and my channel just blacked out.

What they should have done was have them swerve, Hart Dynasty quick work, then Bret quickly goes into a Sharpshooter with the ref holding off ringing the bell.
3 minutes of ringwork + 5 minutes of posturing and celebration, not 10 minutes of needless chair shots
This match was so lame, I turned it on during the 9th chair shot

Good *#+*$#% looks on the veetle stream, its amazing.
Bret won with the Sharpshooter in a match that went ten minutes too long. It was anticlimactic. Vince got ZERO offense in this match. The last eight minutes of the match were just Bret beating Vince with a tire iron. He thankfully finally locked in the Sharpshooter. He celebrated with his family after the match. As the payoff to a big program, it was a huge letdown.

WM XXVII in Atlanta, but we already knew that.

Tonight's attendance is 72,219 but there are open seats in the upper deck.
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