WWE WrestleMania XXVI 3.28 7PM | Taker vs HBK, Hart vs McMahon, Batista vs Cena, Jericho vs Edge

Back in the ring, Sweet Chin Music and Taker kicks out again!

Striker is seriously worse than Cole.  All he does is spew corporate catch phrases.

Michaels up again for another Sweet Chin Music.  Taker avoided and chokeslammed Michaels.

way to work the knee
An emphatic Tombstone to end the match

I didn't think this match would top last years, but it did
Taker hit the Tombstone.  He did the dead man pin on Michaels, and Michaels kicked out!  Taker looked on frustrated and let out an audible 'F'.

Straps are down for The Undertaker.  Throat slash, but he stopped.  He's look at Michaels, who's looking helpless on the ground.  Taker yelled at him to stay down.  Michaels is clawing at Taker, trying to get up.  Michaels did a throat slash of his own!  Shawn then slapped the hell out of The Undertaker.  Taker snapped.  He grabbed Shawn and hit a HUGE Tombstone.  Cover.  1-2-3.  18-0.  Shawn Michaels' career is over.

Awesome match.  Maybe not as good as last year, but awesome match.
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