Xbox 360 Thread: Forza 4! Arkham City! X-Men (XBLA) Dec 15!

GT: Spectacular XD (main account but currently silver)
Back up: Spectacular XP ( Gold now untill i get my main one gold)

Toys R Us has the Buy 2 get 1 free this week...

I'm debating on Castlevania, 2k11, and a 3rd game...
Not sure if I should do a placeholder for something down the road, but I've been busy with NCAA 11 and Halo Reach... Plus a little MW2 here and there.


[h1]Gears of War 3 gains multiplayer beta in 2011 'featuring dedicated servers'[/h1]
by Christopher Grant on Oct 7th 2010 9:00AM


Who said delays weren't good for something? In an effort to fill the intervening months between Gears of War 3's one-time April 2011 release and its new "holiday season" 2011 release, publisher Microsoft issued the following terse announcement: "We plan to host a public multiplayer beta for Gears of War 3 in 2011 featuring dedicated servers." With all that extra development time between release and the beta, Epic should be able to implement feedback from gamers into the final boxed product.

We don't have many other details regarding the beta, but we do have a preview of the game's multiplayer component, in which lead level designer Jim Brown told us that dedicated servers should level the playing field for gamers and help the dev circumvent the issues Gears of War 2 experienced at launch.
GT- The RZArectah

Games- Halo: Reach, NBA 2k11, Madden, Marvel Vs. Capcom 2, CoD:MW2.

My roommate uses my 360 frequently so don't trip if I don't get back to you on it if you're trying to invite or anything.
Funny glitch I had the other day in NCAA
GT: ShErMaNaToR87

Red Dead Redemption
Halo Reach
soon NBA 2K11

If anyone wanna posse up and do some gang hideouts in red dead, hit me up
gt - jae 0h en

as of late, i've been on street fighter, 2k11, and reach.
Originally Posted by omgitswes

Did anyone pick up Castlevania: Lords of Shadow?
it's dope. just finished the first chapter and i'm enjoying it.

if you get it at best buy, it comes with a code to DL symphony of the night also.
i don't know if forza is worth it. turn 10 is going to release a version  with all the DLC and extra stuff you cant download on the marketplace
that link I posted up was for $19.99. Any word on when they plan to do that? am a proud owner of Forza 3.
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